Reviews for The Consuming Darkness
JeaneneP chapter 7 . 10/24/2019
Really enjoyed the storyline! Well done!
Samandjackforever chapter 7 . 6/22/2019
i love this story, i keep coming back to it
Elise Deschat chapter 7 . 3/26/2018
One hell of a story...the tears are still littering and clinching the back of my throat...I felt sorry for Rodney suffering the ultimate betrayal by a friend...but for John it was worse, since he was aware of what he had done...someone had finally broken him...I was actually surprised he would make it back
dragoness simplicity chapter 7 . 11/25/2014
Brilliant story. Beautifully written.
thewolf74 chapter 7 . 12/20/2013
Wow. I'm just glad that Rodney knows that John wouldn't hurt him intentionally. I'm also happy that John and Rodney are working on rebuilding their friendship. Please write more stories.
RavenWeavesTales chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
What a deliciously whumpy tale! Loved that John whumped the team but focused on Rodney. *iz a proud whumper* You put the whole team through the wringer. Good on ya. Well done! Cheers! }:O

BMick chapter 7 . 1/25/2012
Came back to your page, after reading "Red Sky" yesterday. And - Wow. This was really good, if you can call an ultimate horror good. Being forced to hurt those he tries to protect, that would be Sheppard's ultimate nightmare - and poor Rodney! Sick, restrained, and being tormented by one he trusts so deeply, one of the first real friends he's ever had, that would be trauma beyond imagining.

Nice to see Teyla and Ronon saving the day, also.

Must read on...
sheppardlover928 chapter 7 . 12/3/2011
Loved the angst, fear, whump and guilt. Clever use of mind-controlling enemy. If she wasnt a confessed villian before her demise of eternal stasis, I would actually feel sorry that she was just trying to be free-but she went about it so totally wrong-as was her nature. She whumped Rodney and John good-glad in the end, they will get past it.
Alerix Slynn chapter 7 . 9/19/2010
Yee! Very nice, I like the emotion and description of those emotions, very well written, good job!
galifreysparrow chapter 7 . 9/6/2010
Ok, so this isn't a review, it's just a comment (I can't figure out a better way of delivering it to you).

Loved this story! Well written, intense, descriptive - you often really gave a sense of confusion, not handing the situation on a plater to the reader, which made your story so much more unique and appealing.

Plus, i can't actually go by a good McKay whump, and I love Sheppard as a 'villain'. Every time he plays the bad guy in the actual show I have loved it, i think he does a very good sneer and would give bad-guy speeches. In fact I myself wrote a story JUST so I could have him as the villain ( #/d2tdbao) nowhere near as good as yours though!

So, just to sum up - thanks for the story, I very much enjoyed it!
Scarym chapter 7 . 6/25/2010
WOW that was a angsty, intense story. Poor Rodney. Poor John.

That was some whumping you gave them.

They are always there for each other, in their own unique ways, but this time John is the cause of Rodney's woes. So he feels like he can't go to him.

I really liked that Radek was the one that Rodney finally talks to. He is not involved in the situation like Ronan & Teyla are and he isn't a trained professional whose job is to "help" him. Radek is just Rodney's friend. Since Rodney really does respect him, he does open up to him.

The ending where John finally comes to talk to Rodney had me all teary eyed. I had to grab a kleenex especially when Rodney runs after John and asks him to go get something to eat.

There is one thing I would have like (and that is after Rodney gets release from the infirmary)is a small scene showing that Ronan, Teyla were trying to be there for him, but that he was always refusing their company & help.

I am now off to read the sequel. : )

hajimebassaidai chapter 7 . 4/15/2010
The uncertainty in this fic between the real and the imagined keeps both McKay and the reader off balance which keeps the tension going nicely. The Dust Dogs being herbivores was a nice touch. Good story!
karonkgb chapter 7 . 2/19/2010
Too real, too full of terror.
Silverthreads chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
Wow! What a start!
msdarque chapter 7 . 1/12/2010
Absolutely incredible, fantastic, intriguing story!

I greatly enjoyed reading it.. the mystery, friendships, angst.. it was perfect!

At times it felt as if it pulled me in.. dragging me deeper..

Definitely one of the very best I've read in a while. :D Excellently written.

Congrats! Loads of stars!
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