Reviews for Lullaby
Bluewarrior3 chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
Amazing. You put this out perfectly and i love how this was from her POV that we got to read what she was thinking. I also love how you describe the pain and pleasure. We all know he didn’t rape her but the scene between them seemed a little sexual
Nino chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
ooohhh this is great! i love this song!
Reviewer chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Please don't write anything else. This was an insult.
ladyamen chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
beautiful, although i have to say it could have been more sexual :3
Lordriochi chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
This was a great adaptation of Rip's death!
Dantes-Silent-Huntress chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Brilliant, you've really captured the last moments, one thing I will say however, that it you watch pmajorr's upload of Ova 4 part 5 then watch from 4:42 to 4:47 you can see that alucard is actually raping her as well as drinking her blood :)
doubletake chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
Holy Crap! this was amazing! There's nothing more I could say to it!
Ragged Claws chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
I'm not going to lie. I find Rip to be an extremely annoying character... but there was something erotic about that scene between her and Alucard. I think you've done it justice, and you've even made me feel a little sympathy for Rip. Wonderful interpretation!
ParallelOpinion chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
I'm not gonna lie, I cried like a baby... TT_TT

That was amazing :)
Luciphilia chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
This is very nice.

Your descriptive techniques are wonderfuland I love how you posted the lyrics of rip van winkle's favorite song lol I was singing along to it cuz I remembered the melody.

. And I KNEW that there was something sexual about it when Alucard bit her XD i enjoyed your description of how she felt when she was bitten and how you brought all of her thoughts together as she was dying and you closed it so beautifully :3

keep writing dear..
Dignity-Nightfall chapter 1 . 7/11/2010


This - is - AMAZING. In fact, I don't think that this particular scene could have been written any better. Somehow, I think that this is what was running through Hirano's (perverted XD) mind when he wrote this (he was once a H artist, after all) except even more detailed. I could see it all happening when I read it...The descriptions were masterful and so was the characterisation. I've never seen a better version of Rip on this entire site other sites o_o

very, very, very well done.
StormWolf91 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Great job on this grotesque, twisted story.

It sucks for Rip, though. She was my favorite Hellsing villain DX
Lion in the Land chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
This was so much better than an AMV! So amazing the way you painted this lurid vision with words. But even better are the insights you provided into what was going on inside Rip, right down to her unbidden pleasure at the very end - how wonderfully wretched.

You know what's funny? I've heard that Cure song a million times and like it very much - but apparently I'm not a very strong listener, because I've NEVER paid attention to the words before! Now I promise you that I will have a different feeling about it when I hear it again. "Spiderman" sounds about right for Alucard w/ those tentacles of his AND the way he goes about devouring things, and you fit the lyrics in so perfectly.

Great job expanding on a canon scene. This one truly adds something new for readers. A classique. ;)

ChrissyEE chapter 1 . 11/21/2009


I enjoyed reading this!

while reading, I could see the images of the Manga playing out in film style.

Wonderful writing style!
lovelymidianmidna chapter 1 . 10/24/2009
You... are... !

This was wonderful. I loved every bit of it. You captured everything perfectly. Thank you for writing this!
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