Reviews for I think Tony would be very happy
DigitalHelix chapter 1 . 4/1/2019
A good epilogue to that story. Would you consider writing about using the Ultra Probe to return to that planet's orbit to salvage the alien ships? This could, in turn, ultimately get the Alphans home, and deliver advanced, alien tech to Earth.
Chip Bell chapter 1 . 9/18/2009
Excellent excellent excellent! Exactly the sort of story I like to write all that awesome technology I drew a comic book about Alpha salvaging a derelict space ship I love machines and find no end of fascination in the windfalls Alpha could reap from their various encounters. Space warp is one of my favorite episodes because of the derelict they salvage and work with. The idea that alpha could have it’s capabilities expanded in such a way is utterly fascinating. I remember the old A team show where they cobbled togeather numerious devices from junk and borrowed parts to solve one problem or other Space coudl have had several episodes right there if they would have made use of that plot device.
Qtelatino1 chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
A very touching, nice and fitting conclusion to Dragon's Domian"s four victims. Very nice. Keep up the good work.
Mackon chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
It was a loose end and an annoying one too. It always bugged me how they abandoned all the resources & knowledge in that fleet of derelict ships. It makes sense that they wouldn't expand too much effort on the alien gear they may never be able to use (although the scene at the end of the Season 2 episode 'Space Warp' where they detach the alien ship that they were using as a booster is the one that really sticks in my head)Its good to see it put to rights.

Great little story.

Thanks for sharing.