Reviews for Desktop
Aeriths-Rain chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
This is great, fantastic ending, and exactly how I picture them both being. Rufus likes to think he's in control, but Tseng's probably the only person who can get past that.
XioXiria chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
Tree words: I love it.

In the beginning, I was confused :P I didn't who was who. Then when you mentionned that the "boss" was blond, it all fell into place!

At least, I really hope the other character is Rufus :P (it would make me throw up if it was Rufus's old man lol)

Anyway, if you ever write a sequel, or a long story about those two, I'll be the first person to read AND comment. I really like the way you write.