Reviews for At First
TexasDreamer01 chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
it's guys like yami that always end up needing a good kick in the kiester. *rolls eyes* you'd think they'd smarten up and learn by example, eh?

great oneshot,

Eternal Headache chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
Wow. Very nicely written. I've been getting so frustrated wandering through all the weird fics this fandom seems to generate that it's such a relief to find ones like this. Thank you for writing it!
Tunazap chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
I like what you did here, it makes their relationship seem more real. The spirit wasn't the greatest guy at the beginning, so he was bound to not understand why Yuugi would not do anything about the bullies and such.

They had such a complex relationship together, I wish they would have addressed it during the series/manga.

A little critic, sometimes I would have to re-read some parts to understand what you meant to say. It got a little confusing, with the wording, some of the words you chose to use. Other than that, the story flowed nicely (despite the small hiccup here and there)!
Hime no Ichigo chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
Ooh, -very- nice. Very nice indeed.

There were just a few parts where I tripped over the wording and I had to reread them to make sense of them, but good flow overall.

Welcome back to the fandom, in a sense? )

kaoru; hime no ichigo
MichikoMecha chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
That was lovley. I think you have almost perfectly rendered what Yami's thoughts on Yugi would have been had the anime/manga actually given their characters any depth. Some parts of this fanfic didn't quite make sense, like the opening paragraph (I did not quite understand what the spirit was talking about- was it related to something said in the summary?), and some of the body paragraphs, but usually a bit of rereading cleared everything up in the end. Despite my confusion at times, I found this to be a very intriguing piece of writing. I didn't ever want it to end. If I actually had an account, I would definitley add this to my favorites.
Katya Noctis chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
I like how you've written Yami's attitudes and eventual change of heart...It could fit in beautifully in both the manga and the anime. And it makes their relationship more complex, which is really great. The show keeps things pretty one-dimensional most of the time.

Nice work. :)
Ministirth chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
Nice story. Yami has such a complex relationship with Yugi! I wish they had explored that more in the series. Really enjoyed it, thanks.

Tawnya Kisaragi chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
That was exceptionally sweet and well thought out. I applaud you and your work.