Reviews for Tensions
R chapter 8 . 1/15/2015
That was...different.

I like it!

Thank you for another awesome story.
Spazz chapter 8 . 5/29/2003
*dances* Para para paradise! Welcome to my Paradise! I thought that was hilarious. What is more mind numbing than ParaPara music? _

I loved this. I love your stories. I love you! MARRY ME! No, not really. Poor Orange. I love Orange. Orange needs a hug...Woah...TO MUCH CAFFINE. Well...Keep up the writing! I want more more more! *parapara dances some more*
Starchild Blue chapter 8 . 8/18/2002
man...explains...but me confused as to what did the phycotic lil irken do to Fab? Oh well...ON TO THE NEXT STORY!

*has been reading fanfics the whole day and i think i'm about to go insane...WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D*
Omelettes chapter 8 . 7/20/2002
that was great... A really sad ending... really, really sad... *Wipes eyes* But great!
Etienne chapter 8 . 6/27/2002
Why is it all the Invader Zim fics I have been reading as of late, have been making me cry? ;_;

EXCELLENT story! I found the mention of Zim hilarious. So is that why he's so crazy, hmm? XD
Tallest Zeem chapter 1 . 4/5/2002
mouko...i was very very very close to crying too at the end and I USUALLY DONT CRY! you are a extremly good writer and so far one of my fave authors for fanfictions cause i love all of your IZ storys PLLLLEEEAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEEE I BEG OF YOU WRITE MORE!

i actually did read the whole story but i forgot to sign on the 8th chapter and am signing on the first
Kat23a chapter 8 . 3/27/2002
O.O I just realized that I never saw the ending of this, so I went looking for it. It is SO GOOD! Brain, WHY must you THWART meeee? Hmm...I hope one day Fab can get back to normal. I'm a sucker for happy endings! _
Black Silver chapter 8 . 2/17/2002
WAIT A MINUTE, is the Fab on Earth, a LOOK-A-LIKE fab? good story
Invader Zek chapter 8 . 2/2/2002
Chaotica chapter 8 . 1/28/2002
OpalescentTear chapter 8 . 1/27/2002
::blinks:: that was the... last chapter? it was a cliffhanger ending ,
Remliss chapter 8 . 1/27/2002
I LOVE THAT STORY! It's so...sad. ;_;
Oro chapter 8 . 1/27/2002
Uhh... whoa. So that's what happened to Fab.
InvaderXelith chapter 8 . 1/27/2002
Woah. The evil hugging...and the SONG! I miss Fab. And I feel bad for Orange. The sad overwhelms me! Trust you to make a happy sounding song so morbid (in the bestest way possible, by the way). Supah job!
Snowsilver chapter 8 . 1/27/2002
Very insightful, yes! Your other story does make a lot of sense now!

Just idly wondering...the prototype SIR that Gir before he was thrown out?
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