Reviews for Irrepressible
InsideMyFemaleMind chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
I love it!
Gabby-Hunter chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
Uh if they were truly friends they would be happy that Quinn was happy even if it was Logan
Cordy's lover chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Cute fix I always knew Quinn and Logan should be together as soon as season 3 started
jussayin chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
"next week"
chelsie.l chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
DannySamLover20 chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
nice job!
Dreamer3 chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
Awh! Haha. I can imagine Lola doing something like this. Poor Quinn stuck in that room and no way out... at least Zoey's persuasive enough to get Lola to let Quinn out.
anon chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
aw, so cute! lola was so in-character, i can totally see the whole thing happening. i agree with a previous review; some parts were kinda ooc/exaggerated, but all in all a great fic.
LilyPSuzeSMiaM chapter 1 . 9/3/2009
So so so cute! I love fics like these, where their friends don't understand their love. I was always so frustrated by the show, they didn't put their reactions in! Wasn't that the whole point of the secrecy?
MirandaAnnette144 chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
aw this was cute! Haha and I love lola locking up Quinn in her dorm room. Good Job!
Tourmaline Shine chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Ah! A breath of fresh air for the archive! For Quogan, and us fans! I'm elated, this just had me in a fit of giggles, grins, and squees all over the place! XD You hoped you got them in character? Well I can tell you YES! You most absolutely kept them in character! You've taken on writing Lola again, fabulous take on her character! I can't find the word to describe her right now (although I know it! I've said it before!), but she has that, is that, and you captured it!

I shall now elaborate on some of my favorite parts, hehe.

"Not until you're cured of this - this... this gross sickness!" So, Lola thinks that Logan has 'brainwashed' Quinn eh? HA! But aw, Lola feels that she "didn't protect her best friend from getting hurt by that loser Mark Del Figgalo"? I actually like that that was pointed out, because it seemed to me that Lola and Zoey didn't make enough effort to make Quinn feel better during that time (before she got together with Logan at least. I'm sure Quinn had a hard time putting up the 'mourning' act then, hehe). But Lola, Lola, Lola. If she only really knew how things were with "Quogan", haha.

"Quinn, if you wanted a rebound guy all you had to do was ask me," she says through the door. "I know plenty of guys who... Quinn?" Lola leaves it as a question because Quinn has not said a thing for some time now. She remains silent, rests her ear on the door, sighs then rolls her eyes at her hopeless roommate. "Don't even TRY to sneak out the window, Quinn! I asked Vince's football friends to guard it so it's no use trying to escape!"

An apologetic male voice is soon heard followed by a frustrated cry from the 'prisoner'.

Haha I just had to quote that! Poor, poor Quinn!

Then finally, Logan DOES comes along! - It's not long until Romeo comes along in search of his missing Juliet. - AWW!

Tsk, tsk, Lola! She definitely doesn't have to worry about Logan 'hurting' Quinn!

- "Is that Logan! Quinn asks hopefully.

"No! I-It's - it's... it's just Dustin!"

"No it's not! Do I sound ANYTHING like Dustin?" Logan says incredulously then pulls Lola away from the door, effectively removing the obstacle keeping him from Quinn. Lola is tossed aside safely into Chase's arms. - HAHA! It's a riot! Ooh and teensy-tiny Chola monent there too, hehe.

Aw, and I love how they call each other 'Babe' and 'Baby', hehee! Haha, picturing an elated Quinn and a 'heroic' Logan so makes me giggle and grin like and idiot at the same time. XD

"I'm not going to hurt Quinn!" Logan insists, "What I said last night at prom was true. I LOVE her!" Yep, I'm totally goign "AWW!" right now too, and melting into a metaphorical fangirl pile of goo. But laughing at picturing Quinn saying it through the door, lol.

And oh CRAP! Lola bit Logan AGAIN! Dang girl!

But I'm glad Zoey's loosening up a bit. But then again, she has Chase back after all the crap they went through. So she's like in her "honeymoon stage" so to speak, so she could, uh.. 'cope' a little better with what is now Quogan, haha.

Mina, I'm hugging this fic like Quinn hugged Logan (SWEET ending!)! like she hasn't seen him for days, and in this scenario it's fitting and ironic because it's truly been days since we've had a DECENT Quogan fic to read! And here it is, in all it's shiny, new, adorable glory! Haha. XD

Look forward to those last updates of "Safe" and the continuation of "Beautiful Liar"! )

Heart of the Lullaby chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Hey Mina! This was such a joy to read! I've been craving a good story Quogan story to read lately and I found just that in this oneshot!

I can SO see Lola doing something like this...a nice way to present her view on the unexpected news of the Quogan relationship. Seriously, Lola truly acts lke a sister to Quinn, being over-protective and all. That's why the Lola/Quinn frienship/sisterhood is amazing )

I loved Zoey's stance on the whole situation. It seems like Zoey's ALWAYS taking sides when it comes to drama, but I really like how you wrote her in this...not totally taking sides, but telling Lola what she's doing is wrong, as she should )

I especially loved Chase's little side remark: "Ah, it’s good to be back. I actually missed all the craziness that happens here, only at PCA." Ah, gotta love Chase :D

The best part about this whole oneshot? QUOGAN of course! The ending made me squee like a fangirl. Overall, a totally adorable and sweet read )


P.S. Ahh! I will seriously get around to reading and reviewing "Beautiful Liar" and "Safe" soon! Keep on the lookout for reveiws coming your way ;)
TheLadyBlackhawk chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
I loved it, and i think you should continue it. Have Lola go all crazy and try to make Quinn realize that Logan's a cheater and stuff and lot's of other things. ROCK IN STORY
Meduse chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Oh, that's a very cute and funny drabble/ficlet/oneshot! I loved the extreme measures Lola took upon herself, just to keep Quinn from 'getting hurt'. And the use of the word 'cure'. Only Lola would think she had to 'cure' Quinn from a relationship! Props to you for that.

Also, I found it pretty accurate how you made Zoey reasonable enough, yet somewhat indifferent to the entire scene. She's always acted rather self-centered in my eyes, so it wouldn't really concern her as much till the moment she realizes, she won't be able to enter the dorm herself when needed.

So all in all, it was hilarious and very likely to happen, if there'd ever been a season 5 of Zoey 101 :) Definitly made me smile.

However, I must admit there were some points that struck me as a little too corny or too lovey-dovey between Logan and Quinn (LOVE that couple, by the way), especially the last line, since it sounded as though there'd been a world-changing event that almost seperated them, not just an overprotective friend locking her up. But that's just my impression; a tad too sweet to work entirely for Quogan .

Very nice work :D !
cAndIcE101 chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Hey again love the story and the song really good i love how lola is like aw more like ew so darn cute keep up it awsome work. And if its not to much work could you please check out my storys and reveiw so i no how i did ;) ur friend cAndIcE101
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