Reviews for Ah! My Goddess!: Haloes
Viper5delta chapter 42 . 3/13/2019
I must have read through this fanfic five or six times over the years, and I just realized I've never left a review. Better late than never I guess. This is most definitely my favorite fic in the AMG fandom and in my top 10 fics of all time certainly. I really loved the romance and how organic and believable you made it feel. While this story is undoubtedly dead, and you've (to all appearances) moved on from writing fanfic, this fic was, is, and will continue to be, a fic I come back to whenever I need a pick me up or just want to read a damn good story. This review is mainly for posterity, as I doubt you'll ever get around to reading it, but in the event that you do...I wish you well in whatever your current endeavor is, and whatever else happens, know that you are a damn good writer.
Bagget00 chapter 42 . 4/2/2018
Please finish this story! It's my favorite fan fic out of all of them on any fan fic site!
Darkened Void chapter 42 . 3/15/2018
Davner, I wish you would upload more to this fantastic story. I have reread this I’m not sure how many times in the past few years and I never tire of it. This is one of my all time favorite stories, books included. I hate to see this amazing work left unfinished and I can only hope you will one day come back to it.
superdude50989 chapter 42 . 12/6/2017
Looking forward to more chapters
Xindran chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
Haloes certainly deserves to be continued. The mechanics in your AMG worlds are among the most sophisticated I've seen, and you don't mind putting your main characters through hellwhich is really where stories happen. Finishing this story will be a worthwhile quest, especially if it takes banging out a few more short stories about Lind and Anteros to lighten things up.
DaMan chapter 42 . 9/5/2017
Update. Now. You know you want to.
bk201fan chapter 42 . 6/10/2017
This is by far one of the best if not the best OMG fanfics ever. Everything here flows so nice and perfect. The way Urd and Keiichi's relationship grows is absolutely on point and you can't help but feel that they deserve to be happy after all the drama they endure for 10 yrs. It's just impossible for the reader to not want them to be together. Urd's character was perfect and she reacted exactly how you expect Urd to react to different scenarios and she express herself the only way you can expect, with lots of sarcasm and quick to give anyone a piece of her mind. Keiichi's character was very much on point as well and is the guy we know from the original story. He's forced to change his life and he rolled with it even if he was very conflicted in the beginning. This story is so powerful and full of twists and turns that I couldn't stop reading and have read it more than once. Yes, it's that good. I really hope that the author, Davner, would come back and finish this amazing story because it would be a crime to keep this fanfic unfinished. I guess someone could get in contact with him and adopt this masterpiece.
RDT64 chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
Absolutely LOVE Haloes and so wish to see this excellent story completed...
obliviandragon chapter 42 . 9/20/2016
I'm pretty upset that this story will probably never get completed, but the 42 chapters that do exist are amazing and hopefully you leave this story around for people to read. You really made the whole couple believable and created a world that fitted the couple as well as the general synopsis of your story. Hopefully one day you come back and complete it, though I know it unlikely. Either way I just wanted you to know I really enjoyed spending two days reading this story it was hard to put it down.
The Cat chapter 42 . 9/9/2016
Hope this gets updated soon. Look forward to seeing this story completed.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
Dear God, this is quiye possibly the BEST fanfic in the world. Period. It is so so SOOOO well-written! Are you a professional novelist?
Officer HotPants chapter 29 . 6/11/2016
This story is the best. Reignited my love of AMS. It captures the characters and humor of the series perfectly while weaving the drama into things in a believable way. Gonna be extra sad when I hit the cut-off point. Think I'll bookmark it and hope there's an update someday.
Guardian54 chapter 21 . 1/17/2016
World of Elegance needs to make some puns.

e.g. "Oh, WoE is me!"
Guardian54 chapter 18 . 1/17/2016
In case you didn't know, modern Japanese women has no problem with getting abortions.

It's part of casting off the shackles that men try to put on them (I am ashamed of this as I am a man).

Of course being a spoilt rich brat I doubt Sayoko ever had decent sex ed...
Kyuubi'smasamune chapter 42 . 5/3/2015
I want you to know I am very moved by your story here. I particulerly enjoyed keiichi's and Urd's relationship. As well as thier relationship with others. I also want to thank you. You made me reflect a lot on my last relationship. You probably dont care but I told here i love her. She was the person i wanted to spend the rest of my life with and she knew it. I related to your keiichi here because on some level i felt bad for trying to move on. You've made me question myself and my actions. I like it when that happens, because it makes me uncomfortable. Which means i know more where i can grow now.
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