Reviews for Intervention
thena-ditey chapter 3 . 11/12/2011
I loved all three!
BookBabe1993 chapter 3 . 8/3/2009
aw! please write more! :)
He-will-knock-4-times chapter 3 . 8/2/2009
I love this one! When she said "now I'm happy" I absolutly grinned! That was perfect! :)
Kay8abc chapter 3 . 7/31/2009
Cathartic, I just finished watching that episode, and I almost cried. it is obviously not going to work, and I am glad I am not alone.

Pessimistic Romanticist chapter 3 . 7/30/2009
Tayter.Bug7 chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
Damn. I was sure this wasn't going to end well but I actually like this one more than the last one! All of these were amazing!
Tayter.Bug7 chapter 2 . 7/29/2009
Favorite so far. I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN IN THE SHOW SO BADLY. Amazing oneshot right here!
Tayter.Bug7 chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
You cried and I screamed and fell off my chair. Several times. Favorite episode. Oh, I did cry too. lol

This first one is good!
Bindid24 chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
I love Mary and Marshall! I about fell off the couch when I heard Marshall tell Mary he loves her! I was so ridculously happy after that! My uncle and I then got into a fight about how girls always take things in the wrong context. I won the fight!
Mia chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
Wow, so not gonna happen on the show, but us fangirls can dream, right? ;-) Loved them...
yankee306 chapter 2 . 7/29/2009
Oh, and I agree with ryn about M&M having the conversation in front of Stan & Eleanor in #3. Maybe they step out onto the balcony or into the stairwell?
yankee306 chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
I really like #2. I also like a lot about number 3, but it doesn't ring quite true to me. I think Mary needs to say something about why she didn't make a move - she was too scared of rejection from someone who mattered, she didn't want to force his hand if he would be too uncomfortable with the change in their relationship, something. She's not a shrinking violet and wouldn't stay quiet, I don't think, without a strong reason. And maybe adding something to the "open your eyes" line about opening his eyes to see that she felt the same way, as opposed to opening his eyes to what he wanted from her and their relationship, which is kind of how it reads now.

Overall, great job.
ryn chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
Hm... Really, really liked the second one ('Girl in Question')- sweet and short. Just a little... maybe too sappy during the whole Mary-trusts-Marshall bit? It's a bit of a stretch that Mary'd be so sentimental, especially when Marshall's not bleeding to death. '' But otherwise, very nicely put together.

First one was very much Mary/Eleanor. Nice character dynamics adn interaction, and I could totally see that happening. ] Great job.

Third one had a few punctuation/spelling errors... but again, perhaps a bit of a stretch, especially with Stan and Eleanor watching? I mean, I'd never picture Mary being so... blunt about her emotions in front of anyone but Marshall, and that was when he was shot and dying. But it was a nice bit of fluffy M/M moment. ] And the ending made me inexplicably happy.

So bravo! And keep 'em coming!
anyadoll chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
Okay: FABULOUS. FABULOUS writing, idea, and just in general, amazing. I don't say that often. But this is beautiful! Keep writing!