Reviews for Maybe Someday
twin4 chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
you should always write something you like, or it isn't any good. This was great.
Heachan chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
This was a really cute story you should be proud.:)
BlueRin chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
Hey! your story is really cute D good job :)

would you mind if I translate it into french and post it in the site?

Bye! xx
landofmyth chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
OMG this is so good! You say that you don't like EdWin but this was done perfectly! They both stayed in character, that's always the hard thing to do. YOU DESERVE SOME COOKIES! *gives basket of cookies*

Anyway, I'm off to read more of your fics! See ya! :3
BanditPonyta chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Very sweet. Poor Ed. Not usually a fan of reading any romance type fics, but I found this to be adorable. Very nice.
6348576 chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
I know it's mean not to review, but I honestly don't have much to say. I'm sorry.

'Al held back a chuckle. He knew he brother was upset and confused over the whole ordeal, but he had to admit, it was pretty funny how those two interacted with one another.'

It's SO true...It is kinda funny.

I like the explanation for how the automail broke. "Huh?" you ask. "Why?" Because it was really realistic. People write the most random things for why Ed's automail broke. (And then a chicked bit the port and it shocked him, so his fingers started doing 'Daft Hands' on their own, and a message was sent to his brain so he started singing 'The Unbirthday Song' from Alice in Wonderland at the top of his lungs, and then the automail turned green, etc.) This explanation seems way more logical.

The thing is, a lot of people make Ed cry for really stupid, unrealistic reasons. (Ed started crying because his automail had turned green and that's his least favorite color. Well, okay, maybe not THAT dumb, but still...You know what I mean) This was, again, very realistic. I liked it.

Hope you find your flash drive, I guess!
Jojoushi chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
I thought that this was a truly sweet and heart-warming piece. I loved how you added the element of Edward having the great dilemma of so honestly wanting to be alongside Winry yet knowing that he must first full-fill his goal and promise to his younger brother.
Orange Singer chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
So sad! Awesome job. You know what I love about this story? Way too many stories have Ed sobbing or crying, and he always seems like a wuss. Oh papa Roy, hold me tight while I unload my shitty childhood into your chest in the form of tears! Ugh. You made him cry, but I didn't think he was a wuss for it. You gave him a valid reason to cry. He doesn't ever cry in the manga (except for when he was at his mother's funeral), but he never was in this situation, was he? It really shows how much he loves her. Nice job!