Reviews for Angel Child
toinks chapter 1 . 11/28/2010
it was good! write more :)
Shizuno chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
omg adorable! w

i've never read this before coz i was searching under romance category... D:
tinjhi10 chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
wah~ how come i've never read this before? O.O


I'm sorry, I know i'm a ZukaFuji fan but i also love ToFu fics! wah~ Atobe.., so sweet! nya~

I love this so much.., please write more AtobexFuji fic! please.. you're really good at it!
ZephyraExcalibur chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
WAH THATS SO GOOD! Your stories always make sense (if they don't its cuz I don't read them well XP So that'd be my fault.) And what's shonen-ai? _? -clueless happy dude (BTW, that was NOT a failed attempt at first person, it was amazing). And I 3 ToFu! :) (The food and the friendship!) This is super random.
lemon-and-chai2B chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Oh wow, that was really wonderful ToFu! Thank you, I really enjoyed reading. I love the way the story flowed. I imagine that they have a very different but long lasting relationship, and that someday when someone asks them how they got together... it's be something like... 'It's not that we fell in love and got together. I'ts only... He was alone, and I was alone. We got together, and then fell in love.' XD;
cuteanimeXD14378 chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
nice story was very nice and heartwarming. it reminds me of what the true meaning of christmas is, being together with your family and enjoying the christmas holidays. good work on this story.
Sileny chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
Ah! *squee squee squee* It's up!

You need to write more. Update the Great Adventures. And put up Heartless while you're at it. *wink wink nudge nudge*

And of course, dear sweet Tezuka always needs to check up on Fuji. :) I love this oneshot.