Reviews for Who I Am
Guest chapter 2 . 6/24/2019
I’ve just read one chapter but so far is kinda unrealistic. I mean, the way they just let her do whatever feels too crazy. Also, Kakashi is way OOC. It’s a little frustrating. I will read a few more chapters to see if it improves.
KakaIsADumbass chapter 17 . 2/25/2019
It's so obvious.

What is wrong with you?
MiharuTousaka chapter 32 . 1/3/2019
Oh god please no don’t do this to me *starts bawling*
MiharuTousaka chapter 29 . 1/3/2019
MiharuTousaka chapter 26 . 1/3/2019
Ugh. My heart. Kakashi please. Stop. *cries*
Bruh chapter 2 . 7/20/2018
Youve made kakashi far too compulsive and dramatic,his whole character is the embodiment of laid back,'hip and cool'as gai would say.

kakashi attacking a woman in the middle of his village,no protocal,no questions,just attacking,the fucker wasnt even threatened.(this isn't a showcase of how much this woman means to him and his past with her,its a homage to how fucking bad you are at writing his character.)

Plus your oc is a way too edgy and over powered,able to play around with one of the strongest jounin in konoha,and escaped a guarded facility?in the middle of konoha?probably filled to the brim with interrogation class ninja and trained killers patroling the halls,mabye even cameras,yep this was the point i realised i had to leave.

But you pissed me off just enough to leave this here.

Tsunade already trusting her,hell even humoring the oc (despite the girls blatant disrespect towards the HOKAGE strongest ninja and respected leader,a rank far higher and more important than the oc,but noooooo,you cant have that can you?gotta make up bullshit like tsunade accepting the fact that someone came into her office and talked sass to her ass(your oc particularly infuriated me when she spoke with a frustrated "How many times do i have to say it? .know." to the hokages fucking face,like really?do you fucking think your cool by writing this?)and then tsunade throwing the oc money for no reason,(i double checked,not even an inner monologue on tsunades part to explain to US why she did what she did.)

Tsunade just allowed her to participate in the chunnin exams(a villageless random bitch btw,seriously for all we know she could be an assasin.) like...i dont think you realise the chunnin exams were made for the villages as a peace showing,meaning that only the villages shinobi attend.(like i am seriously expecting you to know this,you dont think the exams are actually just for random ninja to fucking enter to become chunnin right?like the title is some fucking driver liscense or some shit?)and the super fucking edgy 'namless' tripe you have going on,it really speaks of what age you are.

Yep,first chapter in and im already on the search for,smarter,more accurate to the character stories,that have an actual point,or reason to exist.

This story is a dick measuring contest,where you put your character into the story of naruto,have her beat peoples ass and fuck the hotteset guy by the end of it,all of this happening under The fake pretense of 'danger' or 'drama' ,i fucking hate it when authors like you tear apart the characters and trample the plot of naruto just to get your kicks,its the equivalent of a child finger painting on the mona lisa.
Unnamed Wanderer chapter 3 . 7/8/2018
The last line reminds of a song I'd almost forgotten by Hayley Westenra. It along the lines of "Who painted the moon black, / just when you passed your love back? / Who painted the moon black? / Oh, won't you, won't you come back?" It's a very pretty song.

Definitely, a very Mary Sue character at the moment, but I'm willing to see where this goes and how your writing style develops :)
Zdraco chapter 60 . 3/30/2018
Welp two days of non stop reading whenever I can, many moments of anger, tears, annoyance and happiness a lot others and to say wow, one of my fav and best naruto fanfics I’ve read, wishin the best
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
Good on you for sticking with it and actually finishing the story. Cool beans.
HinataSoup chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
This will be interesting...
Grand Laise chapter 58 . 12/20/2017
Kakashii Anbu chapter 57 . 7/22/2017
Words can't describe how much I hate you for how this story turned, but words also can't describe how much I love you for even making this story. I hate angst and this story is very angsty right now but that doesn't make the story bad that's is just how I feel. The story is in fact very good. I loved the oc, you somehow made the marysue work out well in the end. I just found this story and I hope you dedicate more time into finishing it soon, although I know that can be very hard. Well onwards
Dark Rose Charm chapter 11 . 5/23/2017
Awwwww they have been hugging a lot lately and gaara knows her?! I wonder how?!
Dark Rose Charm chapter 10 . 5/23/2017
Kakashi totally freak out that was awesome
Dark Rose Charm chapter 9 . 5/23/2017
Awwwwww they act such a cute couple
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