Reviews for Show Me Your Smile
Become1 chapter 8 . 1/12/2015
So, Rui Shin sees the light, huh? Why does that remind me of a certain Disney song?...
abunaidevil1231 chapter 11 . 7/9/2013
That was perfect! I loved it especially the epilogue where they you know... .
abunaidevil1231 chapter 2 . 7/8/2013
I know its too late but y didn't she just run away from her castle to search for Ikuto ND live with him?
Darkdemon's Ashes chapter 5 . 4/24/2013
Awww so saaad I've watched My Lucky Star too! It is like damn awesome. while reading the between the two *s I was thinking that it was sooo much like My Lucky Star the earring scene! I can't believe I'm right! Yay! I think the last episode of My Lucky Star was a bit o_0 but I friggin love the burning building scene! I watched that scene and the earrring scene like 5 times though I think the way Tian qi searched for the earring in the garden was reaaaally pitiful... Oh yea and poor Tian Jun soo sad that he died :(
PandaWoman chapter 11 . 1/6/2013
Yay! I love this story! :) AMUTO FOREVER!
PandaWoman chapter 7 . 1/6/2013
AAAAH! *freaking out* I know the end to this story :) but I keep on freaking out every like ten seconds! I was seriously crying when she broke up with him and I am just gonna go back to reading and freaking out now.
Kyaaaursocute chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
Aww! This story and No More Tears are some of my favorite fanfics! I know this story was updated a while ago but I had to review. After all, reviews make the world to round right? You should write more amuto stories!
GreenTeaIsGoodForYou chapter 11 . 3/5/2012
Although I might have been a little to late as this story was lasted edited in 8/11 but I have to review xD I stumbled upon No more tears while searching for some good fanfiction. I realized most good stories were all out in the 202 pages ._. I started from the first page where fanfictions were created. I must say! Your writing is very beautiful indeed and very enticing~ I was seemingly glad that your stories wasn't just another "princess" story. No more tears and this sequel has certainly not wasted my time, in fact I am happy that I have read such a good fanfiction in a while :D it is so hard to find good fanfictions like this so you have a good talent here~~ I especially love the way you portray Amu and Ikuto's romance. It's unique but it is the right way that love should be like this! And you are right, physical contact is not necessary for love as shown between Amu and Ikuto. I will have to favorite these stories someday xD Also I must compliment that you take a steady pace in writing, not making it go along too fast. I felt it was right after about 6 or 7 chapters when Amu and Ikuto kiss. I feel it's annoying when some people just make them kiss on the first chapter and declare their "love" and are getting in bed on the 2nd chapter ._. You are very good at building tension and you keep at a steady pace without it being boring. I enjoyed reading these two stories very much and I hope one day you will take your writing to the highest level~ :)
AMUTO's SUPER FAN chapter 5 . 8/11/2011
oh gawd please...stop my tears,this is so sad...
xAmuIkuto chapter 11 . 8/2/2011
;_; i think i cried.

skhfkdsfafd Ive stuck with this story and No More Tears for like ksahfsdakjfhsdk forever. I still remember the time I first read it and I was like "HOLY SHIT, THIS IS AMAZING JAKSHFAKSJASDFA. MUST FAVORITE, STORY ALERT, AND FAVORITE AUTHOR. SADKJFASDKJFASD."


Good times.

But now that its ending, everything is so sad ;_;.

First the Shugo Chara! series - anime and manga and what not - ended and now this beloved story D8?

sucks mang q_q.

But ohwell, all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately D;!

:c there's always re-reading 8'D!

but you dont experience that same feeling the first time you read it...QQQQQQQQ.

;-; I guess Ill end this rant-ish review here D:.


Okay, yeah.

Bye :c.


yeah done.

CelestialEternity chapter 11 . 8/1/2011
beautiful ending! the innocence of this story is so cute and i love it very very much. it's a little disappointing to know that this came to a close / thanks for sharing this idea with the fanfiction world!(:
amutofan45 chapter 11 . 8/1/2011
Best chapter ever! I just wish this was rated M
CelestialEternity chapter 10 . 7/29/2011
this was beautifully written. you have a natural talent at writing, and i am glad to have come across this piece of fiction. i just loved the way this story engrossed me since the first chapter. job well done(:
Refrigerator-Burn chapter 10 . 5/31/2011
kinda disappointed to be honest- only about the lock and key though. i really wanted to know what would happen! very good ending, really brings everything to a close. i would love an epilogue, just cause i think it would be cute, not cause it needs one. anyways, it was fun to read this series!
amry chapter 10 . 5/24/2011
epilogue the story, dammit! i can't deal with the suspence!
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