Reviews for Arkham Can Wait
fairyofdreames chapter 4 . 3/15/2017
Loved this chapter :( that dream sequence was so sad.
BVBridesmaid-Commander chapter 9 . 12/31/2012
Damn! That was people can't play out Joker but you not only identified his persona but certified it as his was so I could imagine the actors doing this in a .Your writing was so influential like I could see the characters playing this out.
You are an amazing writer!
I hope you continue to write!
Could a sequel be in order!?
Anyway thank you that was like reading Suzanne Collins and Edgar Allen Phoe mixed together.
No grammatical errors spelling's good
5 outta 5
HoistTheColours chapter 9 . 11/23/2011
Oh, wow. Nice setup for a potential Joker/Harley story, huh?

Man, wouldn't that be something... are you creating this, then, or have you abandoned the idea?
HoistTheColours chapter 8 . 11/23/2011
Well, the only thing I can say really is that this story took a definite turn in a direction I really hadn't been anticipating. What happened to Raven? All the sudden she's disappeared from the story entirely, and I have no idea why. Why'd you off her?

To be completely honest with you, I wasn't thrilled with this scene between the Joker and Batman. I don't really like that you had the Joker keep repeating the line, "Wanna know how I got these scars?" and I thought it was weird when Batman would spew off these really long monologues about the Joker always lying and about how he tries to convince the public that he's not really crazy, etc.

I don't know, I just have a lot of mixed feelings towards this. I don't really understand what the Joker's trying to accomplish. If he had wanted to get under Batman's skin, I don't think he would have lost his cool like he did. It just doesn't seem in- character. The Joker always has a way of digging deep without being overly obvious about it. He doesn't have to shout to get his point across, you know?

Your writing is good, Foxotr. You've definitely got some talent up your sleeve - but I just feel like the story started to crumble towards the end. Maybe because it hadn't turned out the way I had expected it to.

Anyways, overall you've done a good job. I'm sad to see that the story's over so quickly (and by quickly, I mean that there's only eight chapters) but I look forward to the prologue.

Thanks for taking the time to write this. I hope my comments weren't too harsh, I simply wanted to be straightforward with you.
Feels-Like-Paradise chapter 9 . 10/22/2011
Another review within mere moments of the other... I'd say I'm getting my groove back!

God your joker... his actions, his words, his ways; you just make him so amazing, not many people can get the character of him just so, you on the other hand do him justice, I think Heath Ledger would be damn impressed!

O-M-G... well done on the introduction of Harley Quinn! Do I detect a sequel?

Well done once again on finishing what has turned put to be another amazing, solid story; I'd love for more people to read your stories as the thought, time and effort you put into them is so damn strong; I wish I had half the effort you do! I need a good kicking lately and then some!

P.s loved the little dedication you put to your fiance, very sweet and I'm not ashamed brought a little tear to my eyes. Congratulations for him too for the idea of this story!

I hope to see more stories off you in the future, hope all is well

Your friend,

Feels-Like-Paradise chapter 8 . 10/22/2011
So I log into my account for the first time in a bloody long while (my use of bloody... some things never change!) and I'm so excited to see not just one chapter off you, but a completed story, and knowing how much not having finished this was annoying you I'm really pleased for you that you've done it!

I love the whole interaction between joker and batman, why? Its just so damn realistic, I cannot say enough how much you smash it when you use scenes with them pair, everything flows so well and its how they are in the film, spot on as always! (p.s the bomb on his chest? Inspired! and a major 'wow' factor!)

and wow the part where he thought he saw angel, so well placed and major points to you for going back to the first story!

I'm sorry tis review isnt as long as my other reviews, but you should hopefully know by now how much I love your stories and the way you transport the reader directly into them. Thanks for the shout out!

Your friend,

emopygmepuff chapter 9 . 10/17/2011
I was reading this thinking "It's Harley, it's Harley, it's Harley..." and you didn't disappoint! He's so spot on, he knows he's going to corrupt her and how, as soon as he meets her, although I think he'd he'd try that on any psychiatrist he was given. Being given the beautiful, naive, fearful Harley would just make it more fun for him. I'd really like to see how you'd write a Nolanverse "Mad Love"-esque story, you really do have Joker's character down-pat, so I'd like to see how you'd creative your own version of Harley.

Congratulations on finishing Arkham Can Wait, it's been a brilliant read. And as always, looking forward to some more updates in the future. :)


emopygmepuff chapter 8 . 10/17/2011
Um... wow. This is one of the best confrontations I've ever read! You know Joker so well, I could picture Heath and Christian in costume acting this out in front of a camera. I'm just... speechless. I can't really say more than that, and I disappointed in myself for not being able to give you a full review, but, wow. This chapter was BRILLIANT!

I'm going to move on to the epilogue now because I'm desperate to find out what happens to Gotham and our favourite clown. Ooh, and last review I was worried about the citizens of Gotham, and then they were never in any real danger and it was just Joker's ploy to get Batman to listen to him? I did have a little laugh attack there, that was so spot-on Joker (and I was relieved to know they were all going to be okay).

Anyhoo, on to the epilogue.


emopygmepuff chapter 7 . 10/17/2011
I saw two notifications for this story in my inbox and thought I'd better reread this chapter before I continue. Joker's speech gave me shivers! I can't wait for the showdown in chapter 8, but also worried about the citizens of Gotham (which has never bothered me before, to be honest. What is it with your writing and making me feel things? :P) I hope no more of them are hurt. Wow, can't believe I just said that! I loved Bruce's internal struggle at the memorial service too, when he left I thought "Is everyone going to find out he's Batman because he left the service?"

I hope you and your family are doing well, I'm glad to see you're writing again. :)

Love emopygmepuff

Feels-Like-Paradise chapter 7 . 8/26/2011
Hi there! Apologies for taking so damn long to review this... but on with the show!

Oooh he is maddd! And she is in trouble! I like it how he says she is a no ice joker!

Ahh the re-appearance of schiff...though will he be as creep/crazy/ joker obsessed a she is I'd rather see you dead? million dollar question!

"No, it's Santy Claus here with a big bag full of goodies just for you."

HA! amazing, loved it, you've hit the nail on the head with his speech, ha I'm still laughing away to myself now!

'one deranged clown with a crimson grin'... love that, perfect discription.

I loved this chapter so much, sorry I couldnt write much more about the last few paragraphs but this aint my net I'm on and my friend is getting tetchy...she just dont understand the love of the joker!

Hope your well, take care

your friend,

HoistTheColours chapter 7 . 8/22/2011
So, it's been quite a while since you last updated. Glad to see this story's not been forgotten.

I thought the earlier portion of this chapter was very good, but the second part was not as enjoyable, and I did find myself skimming some bits. I'm not really sure why you felt the need to summarize part of the movie, as I'm fairly confident that most people who are reading The Dark Knight fanfiction have seen the film at some point or another.

To end on a good note though, I am curious to know where Raven has run of to. She is a curious thing, and I would love to see more of her. I can't even imagine what the Joker has in store for Batman, but I'm sure that Batman will show up lest he let innocent people die in his place.

I thought it was interesting that you had an appearance by Schiff... I assumed he had been locked up after The Dark Knight, but perhaps he escaped? In any case, I thought that you wrote him well. Great work.

Can't wait to see what's up next!


Frenzy In Delirium chapter 6 . 5/15/2011
I loved I'd Rather See You Dead (where Angel is actually alive) so I hope I'll like this alternative ending story :) Great chapter :)
Music-Is-Life-88 chapter 6 . 5/11/2011
ok, so, you need to update please :D I lovet this story
Feels-Like-Paradise chapter 6 . 3/20/2011
I love it, seriously love it. especially the bit with the newspaper like I said just so amazing, love his range of emotions you bring to him.

Ohh now I wanna know where she is! Love this and I'm really dead pleased you did this and then 'I'd rather see you dead'- it gives us readers so much, two different sides of the story and gives us a happy ending as well!

Can't believe this hasnt been reviewed more, its amazing, whenever its finished I'm sure it wont disappoint.

love it.


HoistTheColours chapter 6 . 11/30/2010
I was so pleasantly surprised when I saw a new chapter alert for this story pop up in my inbox. While this chapter was a bit short, I'm certainly not going to complain; I'm just glad that you decided to update at all. I was a little worried that you had ceased for this particularly story.

It kind of baffles me how you don't have more reviews. I mean, your writing is a million times better than half the crap that gets posted on this website, and yet I see terribly written stories in the BB/DK fandom that get more reviews than this. It's a shame.

Anyways, it looks like the next chapter should prove to be very exciting. Where has Raven run off to? Did she escape? She's such an intriguing OC... I hope she comes back soon. She's actually one of the few original characters that I truly like.

And as always, the Joker is wonderfully in character. His thoughts of 'beautiful chaos' were perfect and chilling. I love it.

Since this chapter was so short, there's only so much I can comment on... but you can rest assured that I loved it. Please update sooner than last time? :)


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