Reviews for Relief
jesrod82 chapter 2 . 6/10/2011
wowzas! that was so hot and i loved the romantic ending. your attention to detail is awesome. great job!
Bluerain22 chapter 2 . 3/3/2011
Wonderful story! Very well written. Thanks for sharing!
Cosmyk Angel chapter 2 . 4/27/2010
I liked this story. I thought you did a great job. Only a couple of grammar issues. You may want to have someone carefully read over it and help you find the 2-3 typos.

farhankhaled chapter 2 . 4/17/2010
you outdid yourself in this chapter. It was even better than the last one and that is saying something. It really was erotic.
farhankhaled chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
nice. it was really good.
Ms Sherlock Holmes chapter 2 . 9/24/2009
Wow! I'm giving you loads of praise! That story was great! Keep it up!
Keppiehed chapter 2 . 8/26/2009
Wow, I applaud you. I would never have guessed this was your first, if you hadn't mentioned it, so kudos to you. My only compliant is...Ron? Why couldn't you have picked Draco or somebody else? *winks and blows a razzie* Well, live and learn! Great writing.
team jacob-fang-percy chapter 2 . 8/18/2009
i liked it!

if u left it after the 1st chapter, it would have felt incomplete, somehow, u no?
keilo chapter 2 . 8/11/2009
That was a lot of fun.!

KoreWillow chapter 2 . 8/10/2009
well done
LoonyLongbottom chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
Fuck, I need a shag! XD

Congrats, well done.
ameo66 chapter 2 . 7/26/2009
You think you're done...but then your reviewers beg for more.
colleen1689 chapter 1 . 7/24/2009
I love this story! You're a really good writer-awesome descriptions!

I continue the chant of "more" but understand if it's strictly a two-shot :)

But please continue writing! I love Ron and Hermoine, and yours was excellent!
kano547 chapter 2 . 7/23/2009
sure read like erotica to a good writer and i hope you have other stuff on here besides lemon stories
Dreams of chapter 2 . 7/22/2009
Very nicely done ] I don't usually read this pairing, but it was very interesting.
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