Reviews for Raiders of the Wasteland
Rahi-1 chapter 20 . 9/22/2013
I wish my phone could actually send reviews, or else it wouldn't have taken me nearly as much time to get around to doing this. Really sad on my part, regardless.
I notice your chapters seem to be getting shorter and shorter...though any progress is better then no progress and this chap really seems to be setting up for a serious ass-kicking courtesy of one pissed off Hits.

Poor Billy though...and if he is dead, which is likely (Derek doesn't seem like the type to magically miss vital organs and such when he actually is aiming to kill), then poor Maggie as well. Though I suppose Lucy could always take her under her wing, since all she's got is a broken wrist, broken nose and a concussion.
Silver is probably dead...if not already then Moriarty likely won't be too happy about her sticking around. Then again, he's a bastard who only cares about caps, so once he gets paid he prolly won't care.

Something tells me Derek survived that kick...not in one piece mind, but I imagine Hits only finding the time to make sure he's dead long after the fighting, only to find a bloody trail...he's a pretty interesting character, and I have to say it'd be cool to see him again in the future. Though, I suppose that would depend entirely on the situation with Dr. Heders and his 'associates', of whom we only have scattered information about. (Large underwater complex, made Hits, etc.).
They might be disbanded due to the chaos, so Derek wouldn't have anywhere to go. Maybe Heders abandoned them, so Derek could potentially just go back to them. Maybe there are other Doctors or Scientists roaming the wastes that both know of Derek and could have a use for him.
Whatever happens, looking forward to the fight for next chap.

Oh, and side note: though I'm sure you are already fully aware of this, don't pay too much attention to what anonymous reviewers say. A few now and then have good questions or comments, which is why you shouldn't completely disregard them out of habit, but in general, the mere fact that they do not give you a way to reply to them shows exactly how much they care about what you write.
No matter what, your work quality has definitely improved since That One CrazyAss Bastard, and I would like to see you continue improving. Keep up the good work, and have a nice day.
falloutgurl chapter 20 . 9/13/2013
...lmao, ur story sucks ass and im totally gonna mock it on my tumblr

Rahi-1 chapter 19 . 8/28/2013
Great to see you again.
Bit sad about Lucy, and I'm surprised Derek was able to get in with no one noticing, but then again he's superhuman, so he might have simply jumped the fence. Hits would prolly be pissed if he finds out he could do that, would have made skipping town so much easier earlier in the fic.
Bit philosophical at the end, I look forward to Hits giving Derek a run for his money (again) next chap!
Rahi-1 chapter 18 . 8/17/2013
Not all of them.
I read your work years ago. When you updated I almost couldn't believe it. When you updated multiple times, I figured a full reread was in order.
It's good to have you back, hope to hear from you again soon!
InstigateInsanity chapter 12 . 9/27/2010
A bit darker and bloodier than CrazyAss Bastard, more in-depth, and still littered with your particular brand of black humour I've come to love so much. We get to see a little more of Hits' past, which is a pretty big plus in my book, and we get to see how he fights when he's at less than full strength, which is interesting.

I'm deeply enjoying your characterisation of Silver. Hits certainly has a way of meeting the ladies, doesn't he? Passing out at her door, and crashing through Arlene's roof. Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to seeing any flashbacks relating to her.

Another awesome story, can't wait to see how it turns out - especially now that Hits is in a bit of a tight spot, or so it seems.
drakean chapter 12 . 7/27/2010
I've met annoying jackasses like Hits in real life and I must say I much prefer them as the main character in stories. I read your first story with Hits and I very much enjoyed it. I eagerly await your updates.
Frontier Productions chapter 12 . 7/20/2010
bandgeek276 chapter 12 . 6/23/2010
Please update again soon! This is a really great story!
fallen-wolfborn chapter 12 . 5/29/2010
ShadowAI chapter 8 . 12/9/2009
Solid story, I am a bit curious if Hits' memories are related to Vault 101 or not, it would be interesting and I am curious to find out what his past was about. Story has me hooked so I'm looking forward to see more of what happenes
stinger55 chapter 8 . 11/13/2009
ok..not gonna lie. fucking love these stories. make me laugh uncontrollably. especially the sean connery jokes and the celebrity jeopardy. i was waiting for the "ruff, just like your mother likes it" joke but hey, awesome job. also the random " momma's shit" made me crack up and get crazy looks in class. love the stories, keep updating man.

P.S. threw the fucking car. loved it lol
jetflight girl chapter 6 . 10/9/2009
"It just threw stuff at him and laughed until it felt guilty and handed him a candy bar."

That line is just awesome :-D

The rest of the story is good, too. Good descriptions, good humor and a whole new spin on the "batshit crazy LW" concept. And unlucky LW, I might add, considering he was finally about to score, only to be interrupted by a grenade...

All in all, a good piece. KEep up the good work, trooper!
Y HALLO THAR chapter 5 . 10/3/2009
Very well written.

I didn't notice that Hits was the LW until this chapter. Was this intentional?
AnthonyS chapter 5 . 9/25/2009
A seriously well written story. Hits is awesome. The dialogue is clean and natural, not to mention most of what Hits say is effin hilarious. The story flows at a good pace and unlike most fanfics I've read I only spotted maybe one misspelled word. Well done and I will certainly look for the next update.
box man chapter 5 . 9/24/2009
ah poor hits can't get none
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