Reviews for Teach Me Love
Dark Hikari Twilight chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
Sorry Your Out Of The Fandom. Love This Pair And Support Seem So Sparse Lately.
TA Salmalin chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Genesis and Sephiroth are so unbelievably adorable in this story! Aww!
CodeLyoko chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Poor poor Sephy not knowing what love is. But Genesis knows just how to teach him! It's just too cute
pompomwoop chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
Read this ages ago, but never left a review. Brilliant, is all I have to say - brilliant!
o0morgana0o chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
Aw! This is so cute! I don't even really know this fandom, but this story came highly recommended. :P

I love how Sephiroth is all unsure and slightly awkward. Adorable!
Chibipinkbunny chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
Aw, this was so beautiful! At first I was really sad when Genesis said that what they had just done wasn't love, but I understood what he meant. Sex doesn't necessarily equal love. Poor Seph trying to answer the question. I guess that's what made it so sad. I really felt bad for Seph in this piece. He seemed so innocent and naive, like a child, which is kind of what you alluded to with the line, "It makes Genesis’ throat constrict, this simple confession of a soldier too young for his rank, too young for the look in his green eyes." The last part was very sweet, Genesis teaching Seph what love was. Oh, and the part where Seph tries to answer where he feels warm had me laughing. I could just imagine him saying that, all serious and everything. Lol. Then the last part with Gen cuddling up to Sephiroth was a very cute image. Thanks, I liked this a lot :)
Ardwynna Morrigu chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
Oh, oh dear, it's just so sad for Seph to be clueless in that regard. I'm so relieved Gen handled it with care.
Shadowy Game chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Aww, that so sweet! I like how Genesis tried to explain it, that 'warmth'. It's lovely how they're so unsure and yet, unconsciously knowing that it's right.

I already saw this on LJ, but I figure this deserves more reviews. .
bibochan chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Simply wonderful.

I'm afraid I'm at a bit of a loss for better words.

It was sweet and loving.

I loved it.

As I do all of your work.
SingingMisery chapter 1 . 7/17/2009
This was beautiful. Well done.

I am always a sucker of unsure!Sephiroth.
Jenova07 chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
Awhhss it's so cute and romantic.
Soyna chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
...a weapon developing a soft spot... love even... when he didn't even understand it...
Cookiecat chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
Hey sweetie

Another one of your great, great, great and very touching stories...

Once again, I'm lost for words... This is incredibly cute, and I love the floating feeling of fragility (no, I'm not copying you. That really was my first thought...). This story shows both a synthesis and a contrast of weakness and strenght, created by a single (not necessary simple) question...

Finally, let me add a lyrics quote. It's actually the introductory lines for the next part of my story, taken from a very beautiful song that exactly matches the level of feelings between 'my' pairing at that point (from a certain someone's point of view, of course), but looking at this story, I decided it was so spot-on that I just had to put it here:

"Can I ask you a question, please?

Promise you won't laugh at me;

Honestly, I'm standing here

Afraid I'll be betrayed...

As twisted as it seems,

I only feel love when it's in my dreams

So let in the morning light

And let the darkness fade away.

Can you turn my black roses red?"

(Alana Grace, "Black Roses Red")
NoLongerActive11111 chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
This was so beautiful, truly. And I completely agree with all the 'I am a weapon' and 'too young for the look in his green eyes' words. It is truly sad and tragic, more so because real Seph was never given a chance to realize the opposite.

It was a powerful piece.

*made me want to go and kill Square E* _
Aeriths-Rain chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
aw... this is very very sweet. not often a pairing i like, but i adore the way you write them!
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