Reviews for Dad?
Purple Pallbearer chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
This fic was so adorable and sweet! I liked so much!
Lucem Yoru chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
Awesome, Wish there were more Father/Daughters stories between Yeager, Gauche and Droite. Know any good ones that I might have missed?
Staple Gunner chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
I loved this fic! It was cute, touching, heart-warming... everything a family fic should be. I even laughed out loud a few times. Everyone was believably in-character and your descriptions were neither too sparse nor excessive. Also, a personal thanks from me for writing something about these guys, there's not enough love for Leviathan's Claw out there!
Amekoryuu chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
I just LOVED how you wrote this the twins and Yeager are some of my favorite characters from Vesperia. Also you did an awesome job with keeping them IC too
Syeroix chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
AW... super cute~

Yeager is one of my favorite characters, what you've done does work well with him.

Much love.
AMMC chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
Wow. Just wow. This story was so nice and sweet. I really enjoyed the pacing, and the characters were nicely written. I love how the girls are so eager to get Yeager a present to thank him, and how Yeager only realises it's Father's Day at the end.

Please write more :D
Dreamin'Ferno chapter 1 . 7/14/2009
Oh man, this was beyond adorable. The little background info you put behind Gauche and Droite's reason for wanting to give PAPA YEAGER a gift made it even sweeter. This was too precious, definite fave. ONLY THE PROEST AUTHORS WRITE LEVI CLAW FICS, TRUE STORY.

also f oh gosh I am so flattered, wow. You're so kind. ;_; but yeah I really enjoyed this. Your writing style is great, it's very... what's the word. "Crisp." No over-embellishing what doesn't need to be there. but now I'm rambling.

TL;DR: I HOPE you write more!
Baby Kat Snophlake chapter 1 . 7/14/2009
I had to turn on the A/C because I became a furnace from the warm fuzzies blazing within me...

Simply put, that was adorable. - I loved how it was sweet, but I didn't get tooth decay. I found myself wondering about the detail being a little lacking, but then I was like, I can still see everything so I was second-guessing myself. I'm still not quite sure what was missing, but I had that empty, lack-of-detail feeling while I was reading. (I'm afraid I can't really explain any better than that.)

I do love the characterization though. Such a nice, quick read. I think you need to either continue this one, or write more short stories, either or, don't care which... ;P (oh, and lastly, proof that word of mouth works, I was turned to this by Moonshine's Guide. - I am not disappointed.)

nexusmaster chapter 1 . 7/14/2009
Very, very, very nice work. You chose a very good subject for your fic, and I applaud your use of such interesting "villains". They can hardly be defined by such a word, and your fic helped bring that out.

Your personification of the twins was very well thought out. I can imagine this being an actual event in the story. I also admire your style with Yeager's accent. Its not easy, I know.

I hope to read more from you in the future. Tales of Vesperia is rich with fic material.
LaZyEnErGeTiC chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
Holy Terca Lumireis, this is the best no-pairing fic I've ever read! I love what you added in the end, "Father's day"! Aw! This is so sweet~ I'll spread the link to this fic in our forums XD I'm sure they'll appreciate it 3
Moonshine's Guide chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
That was so good! I loved this little story… you capture Yeager and the Twins perfectly! You should write more about them! They need more attention!

Thank you so much! This story made my day. KEEP WRITING!
Yuleen75 chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
That was beautiful! I love it!

Yeages is one of those characters that always makes me curious, especially his relationship with Gauche and Droite.