Reviews for How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You
Guest chapter 9 . 7/27/2014
A goregeous story! I relly like it!
Animefungirl12 chapter 9 . 7/8/2014
ah man. this is all there is. i thought amu wud have made more progress with ikuto. anyways please update soon. The story is so damn funny.
MASAMI CHAN26 chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
h.t.m.i.t.f.i.l.w.y. aka:stupidest book ever

i suck at titals but i hope it will give you insparation
1Amu17 chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Cool story but when are you finishing this story ?
Anime lover0331 chapter 9 . 4/22/2012
Need to update pronto..but its been a few yrs... ? .
KK chapter 9 . 4/8/2012
I really like this series, please continue!
N00BINATOR chapter 9 . 8/3/2011

I LOVE this story!

Are you still doing Q&A? If so;

Do you love this story as much as I do?

:P! Update soon! I shall be following and checking this story ;D

KuroNeko382 chapter 9 . 5/22/2011
Update please.
KuroNeko382 chapter 4 . 5/22/2011
"… You'll live. Now the secret to talking to him is…" Utau said leaning closer and lowering her voice.

"Is?" I eagerly asked leaning in closer to Utau as well.

"To… stalk him!" Utau said enthusiastically.

"What? Stalk him? I can't stalk him. I wasn't born to stalk people!" I said my voice getting higher and higher as I spoke. How can she be so excited about stalking people?

"Look as much as I hate to admit it but girls are excellent at bitching about others, sucking up to some extent… no actually we suck at that you're perfect proof!"


"Fangirling, imagining things that aren't there, bullying and finally stalking."

"That's a nice list you have."

Mi-chan42 chapter 9 . 3/31/2011
Okay, I know you haven't updated in a while.

But let me tell you, this story that you've written, is pure gold. You are a really good author, and I advise you to continue this. If not just for me, but for other stalker-ish reviewer's like me.



nightDREAMERms chapter 6 . 2/4/2011
This is actually far-more thought out and well enjoyable than I orginally thought it would be. You know, with a title like "How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You" I was expecting more silly fluff and OOCness. But I was plesantly surprised! It has a plot line and is reasonable, and still enticing! I even began to suspect that you were basing this off another work because of it's thoroughness! (Hopefully you're not.)

Anyway, Congratulations!
i regret being here and 12 chapter 9 . 1/20/2011
THIS IS AWESOME! just started reading. -.-" heh.

Loyally Awaiting A New Chapter -

MaikaKitsune18 chapter 9 . 7/26/2010
This is a intersting story and ikuto seems wierd but i like it Good job. cant wait for the next chappy :)
music1216 chapter 9 . 7/5/2010
Devydoit chapter 9 . 6/26/2010
Ooooh! I cannot wait for the next chapter! Please update soon?
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