Reviews for Death Is My Beat
Ruin Dun Burnit chapter 1 . 5/12/2012

I decided to read this when Araven14 recommended it to me, whose story I read because it was about vampires. Considering that I'm intending to write a vampire story (without any crossing over) in the near future, I decided that I should first see what the rest of the fandom on here had to say about the use of vanmpires.

So far, all I'm finding are good things. This is brilliant dear, but while I understand why you'd want to write something after watching that lovely film (I've watched it myself, of course), you should be careful because Anne Rice has a blanket ban on fanfiction of her works, and you could have been killed for it.

As for your work here, love it. I know I prefer some of the more violent side of vampires, but the infamous lust part is present, correct, and pretty damn steamy! The narrative is lovely, and I'm glad that inspiration got you this far.

In return for this review, all I ask is that you recommend to me any good Death Note vampire fics that you know that don't involve a cross over of fandoms, and that you keep your eye out for the vampire fic I've got in motion. Then again, if you have heard of and like the 'House of Night' series by P.C. and Kristen Cast, then you should read the crossover of that I have with Death Note already.

Thanks, ma lovelie!

Ruin Takada XXX
Art-Of-Escape chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
I liked! Never seen this concept before!
RandomReviewer chapter 1 . 6/22/2010
i have to say, that was better than most death note slash fanfictions. but, at the begining, sorry, but i just wasnt feeling it. i could tell that the author tried to make l and,mostly, light how they were in the anime/manga, but it seemed too forced. but at the end, they both turned into completly different characters of their own, to match the story. the change of personalities was very belivable and detailed, i have to say i loved the end, but the begining needs some work. either way, i like this fanfiction. happy reading!
schoolkid chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
wow that was so good I think it would make a great multi chapter story but it's up to you
pnginlvrs chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
Miss Doll chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
I really liked this. I had to read it twice to really get the feel and it oozes that creepy sort of feeling that these sort of stories have.

:) Very well done.
blueandorangesky10 chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
:O I loved it! This is amazing!

Lol I like vampire L! and how he preys on Light:) They're so cute.

Poor Light, haha getting fed on and not even knowing it. aw. too bad he has to die too. At least he gets to spend eternity with L:D

Fantastic story!
Donatellolover chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
This is great! It makes me sad that this is a one-shot!
magicmagic chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
could have been more complex. creepy. awesome work :P
Sonoko chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
Haha~ Very interesting! Short but very interesting!