Reviews for And Dance with Me
XsunflowerX chapter 2 . 8/2/2009
I'm loving this. Well done. I enjoy reading these types of fics from you!
Ginaaaa chapter 2 . 7/14/2009
I think you should have done more with Leo, it was really good.
sunsetdreamer chapter 2 . 7/14/2009
This was an absolutely wonderful thing to come home from work to! I'm biased, I'm sure, but Leo has such a special place in my heart; there were so many lines I loved in this chapter, it wouldn't even make sense to quote them all. I loved his ambivalent feelings regarding Paris; the way he hated it so vehemently because in another lifetime it had meant so much. And his heart-to-heart of sorts with Letty was perfect. Ever the sucker for Piper/Leo, I can't possibly go without mentioning this line:

" there were many stumbles and missteps and awkward times when she went to twirl and he was left spinning in another direction."

... it was magnificent, and that whole chapter was so perfectly part of the magic which makes me love the two of them so fiercely. I know I've already mentioned this once, and I promise I'll stop gushing after this one last time, BUT, I am uber, hella-stoked that you are back. Yay!
atlan2007 chapter 2 . 7/14/2009
Nice chapter!
xheart to thee chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
YAY! I have missed your fanfics. Though I am not a massive fan of the show anymore (I do still on the DVD's and watch them upon occasion), I do still like to read fanfiction because it's always nice to see author's perceptions of what happened after Charmed etc. I loved "Hold My Hand". I really liked the idea, and to give a companion piece to it is lovely. Look forward to reading the other men's chapters, particularly Leo's. (Obviously. :D)

Ps. I used to LOVE Desperate Housewives. I adore Tom and Lynette. I stopped watching it when I came to uni and didn't have a TV, but I really wish I could get back into it. I doubt i'll ever reach levels of obsession with a TV show like I did with Charmed and The X Files. I found my friend's mums old VHS X Files when I went to stay, I got so excited. She had Fight The Future on VHS. It was awesome!
sunsetdreamer chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
This was so, SO beautiful. Let me just say, I for one am uber stoked that your hiatus is over! I think the idea is fantastic, and you have a wonderful talent for fluidly painting the characters... I always feel touched on so many different levels by your pieces.

The line, "A few years down the road, Piper told him, “You were my last real smile,” and broke his heart." was too perfect... as was the image of her bossing him around in her little pink tutu. It's impossible not to love that girl.

I also loved loved loved high school Andy's distinction between "this" Prue she had become, and "his" Prue, that he had first fallen in love with. And the way that even her drastic flip in personality couldn't make him fall out of love with her. I'm a sucker for the angsty, "you hurt me, I hurt you" dynamics... they get me every time.

I smiled the entire time I was reading.
Ginaaaa chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
Aw, this was sad, but I loved it.
Christine Ruud chapter 1 . 7/8/2009 have the gift of capturing the inner essences of characters and drawing them out into three-dimension beings. You have ways of making me care about the ones I usually just gloss over, Andy for one.

I'm excited for more, and am so happy you're back!
RetickLover chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
aw! so sweet! update! cn't wait! (hey tht rhymed! D)