Reviews for To Make You Happy
angelabsol chapter 4 . 12/29/2015
daww this story is soooooooooooooo cute. please do more
K chapter 4 . 5/20/2015
Aww, I love the father-son relationship shown here! I'm actually really fond of family fics, and this is a really good one. I hope you will start to update it again, but it has been awhile, so probably not. Still, it was nice to see
coin operated boii chapter 3 . 8/31/2009
I'm very happy to find a story displaying the relationship of Raz and his father. You portray the characters beautifully and the prose is very nicely written. Very good job, please keep writing more !
leavingyouforme chapter 3 . 7/19/2009
Raz's mother is a clairvoyant but not, like her son, a telepath. I wonder if this has any meaning, as the text tells Raz is questioning this himself.

I guess Raz getting invisible connects to his drowsy state? The question is if he lost "control" or his invisibleness mirrors his blank state of mind. Poor Aquatos. Having a son with such far-developed psychic powers is difficult, even for a psychic family.

The chapter is too short to analyze it truly, but the flow of the words is good and you capture the voices of Raz and Augustus.
DarkDeSkull chapter 2 . 7/7/2009
Aww! This is really sweet and touching, and it's nice to see someone portraying these characters. You've got the personalities down, and the dialogue is entertaining! I hope to read more!