Reviews for Playground Fun!
Echo the Ice Tiger chapter 8 . 3/9/2019
I’m not gonna lie I’m real sad that this hasn’t been updated in forever I wanted to see how this one ended so bad
wickedly-insane139 chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
i like a girly ichigo as much as a sassy ichigo wonderful story
Ann chapter 2 . 7/11/2015
Hey :) this is just a small ignorable comment
To the first chapter. You know, I really really love Yaoi and especially Grimmichi.
But I must say that Ichigo acts like a small inncocent girl who can't do anything and Grimmjow like a gentlemen. It is completely OOC, I mean, Ichigo kicks Aizens and even Grimmjows ass, he is strong! And Grimmjow is the complete opposite of Ichigo who would try to kill Ichigo if he would cry because he thought that he was stronger. Ichigo is NOT a small girl.
Besides that, I really really like your writing style :) again, this is no flaming but a try of some critic. I hope you will continue writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
Fuck you all yaoi fans. Because of you guys, many good fictions are being spoiled and are not gaining its actual credit. Mainly this grimmjow ichigo thing, you all have spreaded. Does ichigo or grimmjow look or act like gays? Please consider as a normal Homo sapiens though you all have the mind of a Dryopithecus africanus.
James chapter 2 . 2/17/2014
Theres no picture
AssassinsCreed04 chapter 8 . 8/6/2013
I had to read this chapter again because everything seems to be happening so fast. Are things movin quicker with Ishida or are you just skipping days? I'm really into this story!
I feel so bad for Ichi-kun! Aizen really is an asshole! I'm happy that he's dead! What happened to the eighth Espada? Please! Update soon! :*}
AllTheFandoms chapter 8 . 8/6/2013
I did not see this coming. I mean. Yes, I thought it was bad but, I didn't think that it would be this horrible! Poor Ichi! Good for Aizen! I'm glad that grimm killed him!
Jesus! How did you manage to write this chapter?
Update! Update! Update!
AllTheFandoms chapter 7 . 8/6/2013
OMG! I thought it was dark before! What happened to Ichigo?!
AllTheFandoms chapter 6 . 8/6/2013
It's like this story took an unexpected turn. It suddenly got really dark but, I am so excited for the coming chapters!
shikyoDEATH chapter 8 . 8/3/2013
Oh my... Poor ichi...yeah...i'm strong, was defiantoy unexpected yet still expected...very well written! :) I couldn't bare to read into it... May be when i feel up to the challenge... :'( poor ichi
Ivy Jane Backer chapter 7 . 7/21/2013
When you say a voice is "horse" it is actually spelled hoarse. Horse is the animal. Otherwise I love this story (even though the thing with Ichigo was disturbing) and you do a great job with the language so no big worries there.
Mayuzu chapter 8 . 7/14/2013
So Ulquiorra betrays Aizen? Guess it's because he has feeling towards Ichigo. The false hope Aizen showed to Ichigo is the most effective torture in my opinion. Anyway, I found some type when Grimmjow went to Kisuke to look for Ichigo. You mentioned Ulquiorra and Aizen while I believe it's supposed to be Kisuke/Urahara. As gore as it is, I love this chapter 3
Yulisa chapter 8 . 7/13/2013
h-holy shit...
xXGrimm-chanXx chapter 8 . 7/13/2013
This chapter was really good! We got to see just how manipulative Aizen really is. But Im really glad the real Grimmjow got there in the end. Great work!
Orion'slover chapter 8 . 7/12/2013
Nooooo! Ichiiii, even knowing he lives it pulls on the heart strings. Great chapter
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