Reviews for Barghest: The Three Heads of Cerebus
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
That was absolutely fucking brilliant. I think you win the universe for this one. The way you wrote the characters was believable and it was at times side-splittingly hilarious and at others genuinely tense. Also, loved the ending. Brilliant.
Rose chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
I would just like to say that this fic contains the best exchange of dialogue I have ever read.
"Don't they have to breathe?"
Well done.
Hekateras chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
An excellent story, thank you. It started off great and hilarious and the OCs were interesting and terrifying. Something felt a bit weaker to me about the way you handled Aziraphale's and Crowley's relationship upgrade - I guess it was a bit too... formulaic? Predictable? Too fast? Too human? I mean, you've got the demons and the angels talking about love like it's the most normal thing in the world for them, whereas you'd expect some deep musing and confusion for any of them over what love even *means* for someone like them. Nevertheless, you have a quite enjoyable style, and I did love most of the story, and some of the scenes were truly excellent in the little tidbits and details. (Like Crowley constructing a fort out of stirring sticks, heh.)
ScootIn along chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
I love death and his booming caps locked voice. Great fic.
letusdeleteaccounts chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
That was just awesome Seriously, amazing work. Funny at points, touching at others, and pretty tense too - was genuinely worried for the two of them for a moment there :o Apart from a few minor grammatical errors, this was an absolute joy to read.

And that little bit about Christmas at the end, that was brilliant :L
Lupa Dracolis chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
Wow this is long... but certainly well worth the read. A brilliant piece of fiction.
Luciferus chapter 1 . 9/25/2010
Words cannot describe the warm sweet fuzzy and yet realistic feeling I got from reading this... 33
Jeengufett chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
DEATH WAS EPIC. I was laughing every time he came in and gave some snarky comment.

I love this. You are awesome. The writing's great and the characters are well portrayed. And Adam is just so cute with Pepper. :D

Most especially Crowley and Azi, of course. asdlfkjadslkjdslkfsd Why else am I reading this?

Write more~! :B
Lami chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
I think I love you. Yes, in fact, I'm sure of it! This is just the kind of thing I like to read, done to perfection. Thank you so much. I could just sit here and aw, but I don't even know how to articulate that in to a review. You have made my day. THanks again.
Desdemona Kakalose chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
Do you know, this may be the perfect story for this pairing? It has just the right progression, understated, almost romantic, conflicting personalities... it even has a good omens style plot!

commendations. ;D
firedraygon chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Wow, this fic is epic. I love how it flows and how Dog is a major character, haha. I'm not sure if you meant to parallel the Christmas story about the girl lopping off her hair to buy her boyfriend a watch chain, only to find out he sold his pocket watch to buy her hairpins, especially when you talk about Christmas at the end. Very clever anyway? XP

93notes chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
Ahh, this piece makes me so happy! It's wonderful - the portrayal is perfect, it has a great plot, and you've done a fantastic job keeping the 'feel' of the novel throughout it.

PLEASE continue writing fics for Good Omens! You can never have too much CxA, IMO. And you are SO talented at creating it! Thanks for a wonderful read! ;)


Also, Die Hard FTW! That was an amusing little gem thrown in there, for sure!
Fengtianshi chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
I read very few fics recently and I comment even less, but yours has something special! It's cute and funny and heart-clenching and with everything in their perfect place... It's something I'd really needed to read, really refreshing! Thank you, you really made my day with this one! I'm thinking on doing a little silly SD pic of Azi and Crow walking Dog around just to celebrate how I love this!
Moczo chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
That was freaking adorable. It was funny, it was fluffy, it was exciting, and it was exactly what I needed. Thanks for sharing :)
kandra chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
This was hilarious and touching at the same time. I love how you handled giving both of them sacrifices in order to save the person they love... Aziraphale has it rough, though. I don't think he will be able to forget so easily what he intended to do, but he is right, Adam shouldn't make him forget, since now he knows a bit more of himself and the limits he would go over for Crowley.

Great story, I never tire out of reading a good Good Omens fanfic!
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