Reviews for Time to Dance
Thalius chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
Just finished playing the remastered version of ODST on MCC and wondered how much love Dare and Buck got on the FF scene - which is to say none.

Loved the inner dialogue. It really captured Buck's speech patterns well, and even with this being a retelling of the intro, you added a great amount of politics with Dare and their whole complicated relationship. Can't wait to see if Halo 5 will address Buck's star-crossed love life - reading this got me excited for content that will likely not even be in H5. Oh well, at least there's still hilarious little tidbits like this on the site to read. Great work.
TyroAkira chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Yay! I love it! :D I never see many stories about Buck, and he might be my favorite ODST, so this made my day! I always feel that Dare was a little to rough to him, but i still can't help seeing that they are a perfect match! Great work! :D
LongHairedFreakyPeople chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
Nicely done. You did Buck pretty well in all fairness. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this.
Josh chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
Was amazing and creative. "Buck's pod of thought deployed its drag-chute." - loved tha part
Angel's Anthem chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
That was a really great one-shot! :) You did fantastic! I just played the Halo 3: ODST game today and I couldn't put it down! :D Glad I could find a story about these two!

Great job!