Reviews for Bevin: First Date?
EdeatheDemonFox chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
This is really cute. Everything was well written and the made my heart melt! Great job!
Kaoru Tezuka chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
I loved the story, and your writing style. Everything connected so fluidly, and I'm not just talking about Ben and Kevin. ;) You also did an amazing job at keeping them in character, which can be pretty hard sometimes. Thanks to your story, I'm going to go watch that video. :) Thank you so much for writing such an awesome fanfic. :) /leaves tray of virtual cookies/
PhineasFlynns chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
*squee* that was amazing! I love that video an I was hoping there was a story like it :D
JustADevilGirlThatLovesYaoi chapter 1 . 5/8/2012
You made my day XD

I found the video yesterday and hear the song all day long since then.

And so i read many BeVin FFs.

I think you know how cool is it then, when i found your fanfiction, which is based on this video.

But both the video with this awesome song and your fanfiction are just the best! 3

I like it, that you put some parts of the song in the text.

Everytime i stopped the song to get the song on the right point and read the text with the part meanwihle XD

So just love it 3
NatKat chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
Omaigosh.. I saw that video! For some odd reason the idea of ben running for his life away from kevin makes me .

Great job on this! :3
Williamahe chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
LONG LIVE M RATED BEVIN STORIES you should have made it longer with more sex scenes
FifthDayOfMay chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
I would definitely chip in to see two hot guys on a date. XD Hilarious story and -/-
ShaneT chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Amazing! I'm so jealous you made this! i love the video, and was thinking of doing a fic about it, but yours was 100 times better then what i thought of. Your the best :)
yuugi arry chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
aw so cute and to think i origanaly raded your profile to tell you my Fanfiction acount wouldnt give me the message yeah you can call me Yuu or anything eles as long as you dont call me late for dinner and you need MORE caffiean...hey do u bychance live in eureka or california...
TheKinkyCumberbabe chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
I was watching the video earlier~ 8D Yay~ BeVin! *favs~!*
Mika the Dark princess chapter 1 . 6/11/2010
lov it
Anon chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Perfect, cute, smexy; What's not to love about this story? We are not worthy of your ultimate Bevin writing skillz!
Kidiu chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
That video was cute, and this was extremely cute!
leyu02o.O wait leviathan02 too chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
awh it goes so good with the song too I love the ending :D great job nice story!
Alluring Alliteration chapter 1 . 1/12/2010
Yes. I would SO pay for that. (giggles) sorry.
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