Reviews for In the Garden
Princess of Rose chapter 1 . 2/18/2011
Aw... that was cute. :)
D.D.Z chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
The interaction between Demyx and Lexaeus was so, so lovely. I really enjoyed reading this~
FoxFlyer chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Awwww, how sweeeet!

Vixie: Oh no, not more fluff! *runs*

*bats at fluffy bits* Lighten up girlie, there isn't much!
Trilies chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
Very nice! I don't know either of the stories which this is a sequel to, but this does wonderful as a stand alone story. You captured Lexaeus and Demyx's personalities wonderfully. That's a nice little trait, by the way, of having Demyx own a little garden of his own.
PopcornObsessed-DragonLuver chapter 1 . 11/8/2009
I like this fic ... not so much character abuse ... sometimes I could almost swear you abuse simply because you wanted to experiment with something or found a new way to abuse them in ... but you do at least throw in a bit of plot with it ... *grin*
AkuDemyfan chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
Aww... I'm glad to see Dem up and about. And Lexy's really cool that he's looking after Dem's garden. Awesome work as usual! Keep up with it! D

...Over and out...

HellzCrusader chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
woohoo! are you going to do the diablo crossover? ive thought about it, and went back through my own diablo game and i think that it could turn out to be seriosuly awesome. :D Imm glad you did a fic with Lex, the big guy doesn't get enough attention in my mind.
bookleaf chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
Ah... Gardening. Its so nice and peaceful, really suits the time of year here since I can already go out to the garden to get some veggies to eat. Letting Demyx and Lexaeus hang out after a long hospital rest is sweet. Sad that Demyx would have to give up his gutar, I know how I would feel without the piano so... that would suck. Great fic. Keep writing!
13th Shadow chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
You already know, darling, how many "warm fuzzies" all over this story gives me!

...and how appropriate to have a garden story pop up when once again my life kind of takes it's ques from Demy's life (sort of)... Much ado about gardens the last few days as my dogs "found" and brought in a newborn bunny for us, to which the next day I rescued another one that was wounded and half dead and also had been found by one of my dogs (but neither of them had taken it from its nest when we found it...) All happened in our garden right by the door where we found the nest.

I was happy that they both seemed to be doing very well despite the odds... until just a few minutes ago when the wounded one took a turn for the worst and now I am scared to death he isn't going to make it. I needed this story to help me stop crying and be stronger than i feel i can be

... for the little bunny.
Eternaldusk chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
First review.

Okay so, I told you I liked how you wrote Lexaeus in this. I thought it was really sweet of him to take care of Demyx's garden for him. 0

I feel really bad Dem has to give away his guitar though. ._. I know how much I hate parting with my stuff, and that's just regular things. Can't imagine how a musician would feel. Would probably be worse then giving up my computer.