Reviews for Caspian and the Sue
Bek chapter 4 . 9/24/2012
Yes! Let Marietta Sue onto Edward Cullen! He would probabaly just think she was Bella...
Comiwyrdscka Maelwys chapter 4 . 9/28/2009
pretty funny although short and just a bit unoriginal, except I very much liked the part where Marietta says something to the Telmarines and it comes out Teh gasp! Squee11!1!
Cima1305 chapter 4 . 6/28/2009
yay u wrote it! _ *much love* this entire story was totally awesome and hilarious. i love narnia parodies, cuz there just aren't enuf of them! _
LucyCrewe11 chapter 4 . 6/27/2009
That was such a funny way to end the fic. The part I laughed the hardest at was Miraz's reaction to Mary-sue after the duel. Poor guy, even though he was evil, killed his own brother, and tried to kill his nephew, I actually felt sorry for him for a minute there. LOL.
rthstewart chapter 4 . 6/27/2009
Because, of course, she sparkles! And of course she is either related to, or loved by, every major character of every major fandom. I think the only one missing there is "Cullen." Of course, she has a Twilight poster in her bedroom, and the actor and the character are the same, right? Right? And, of course, it was all just a dream.

Very fun! Thank you for doing this!
Cima1305 chapter 3 . 6/23/2009
hahaha, this just gets better and better. what if she turns into a half-dryad or some mythical creature, because it was "written in the stars" that she would discover her secret identity that her evil step-mother hid from her at birth? Or it turns out she's SO soft-hearted and forgiving that she falls in love with Miraz and believes that the Miraz/Peter duel is them fighting over her? Or she finds out she has some terrible, hidden power because she's Jadis' aunt's mother's brother's cousin's roomate's dentist's dog's vet's great-great-grandniece, but she uses her powers for GOOD and not EVIL? just some suggetions _~
Cima1305 chapter 2 . 6/23/2009
BEST WORD EVER. awesome chapter! really hilarious
all of this is deleted chapter 3 . 6/23/2009
ohmygosh! I'm a bit too tired to review the way I normally do, but this was soo funny! Just as good as the others, even though it was a bit shorter.

I really loved that "'Cause she's Marietta (oh forget it)" bit. Too funny!

Love this!
LucyCrewe11 chapter 3 . 6/23/2009
Another funny chapter. Mary-sue is seriously demented-in a funny sort of way (In this spoof) of course.

Please update again soon.
MyBlueOblivion chapter 3 . 6/23/2009
Oi, vey... and I thought my 'Sue was an (un)holy terror!

There are some really fun ideas in here. I especially like the way that the silly moo can't wrap her tiny little mind around the idea that Peter, Edmund and Caspian are entirely different people to Will, Skandar and Ben. On top of that, her self-image is completely up the wall... she just honestly doesn't realise what a nightmare she is. Very funny indeed.

I just hope that poor Caspian can escape her clutches. Maybe you could have Aslan eat her or something?

Keep up the good work,

Hello chapter 2 . 6/22/2009
HAHAHAHAHHAHAH! That was soo funny! I was laughn all the way to the bank! ahhaahh! it was funny tho! Keep up the good work!
all of this is deleted chapter 2 . 6/22/2009
Bwahaha, just as funny as the first chapter! Hehe, "Merietta squealed thinking of all the things she and Peter could do in the dark dungeoun(which I will not mention because this is rated K ) ." Not only is Merietta an egotistic maniac, she's also a bit of a perv, eh?

"So Merietta waited even after everyone had left and the trapped Narnians had been murdered by the Telmarines ,cause no one thought to look for Merietta actually they just didn't care ,well Caspian did,but since he was out cold he doesn't count." Bwahaha, that is just too funny!

I love the way you're writing this, so realistic to the way Mary Sues tend to be in fanfictions where the Pevensies aren't attracted to them. It's too funny, and too adorable!

Harry Potter's long-lost sister AND Snape's daughter? Eh, of course. What Mary Sue isn't weirdly related to someone magical in another fandom?

I really love that last line! Why is it that boys are so stupid anyway?
LucyCrewe11 chapter 2 . 6/22/2009
THAT WAS SO FUNNY! I love the bit towards the end where Mary-sue is suddenly "Harry potter's long lost sister" LOL! Where did THAT come from? Poor Pevensies, having to put up with her!

Please update again soon.
Opera Dove chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
Ha ha. Sue shot at the right moment before the high notes...
all of this is deleted chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
Haha, I love the way she's so egotistic, and she thinks that she's the most beautiful thing in the world, but really it's just, just no.

"Although in order for a true love to be a true love the other person has to know you exist,and since they didn't we'll call it stalking." Bwahaha, that's so funny and so true!

I hereby dub this paragraph the best thing I've ever read in my LIFE: "Anyway Merietta was leaning so far out the window she fell out and tragically died ,no not really unfortunately though she was transported to Narnia and not by Aslan either it was by the unforeseen power that enables all Mary Sues to get to Hogwarts,Middle Earth or Narnia without a word of explanation even if it goes against all things canon."

"'Caspian,you idiot ,you don't have a castle your running for you're life because your uncle wants to kill you .' Bwahaha!

Bwahaha! Wonderful job! This was so halarious!
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