Reviews for you would look so pretty
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
Well, this is pretty much the definition of bittersweet. Loved it, great job!
litstandsforliterature chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
One of the most heartbreakingly beautiful fanfics I have ever read on this site.
FlightFeathers chapter 1 . 5/6/2016
This made me tear up. It's so saddening that people such as her can only dream of getting married. And they want companionship like us all.

It was clever to write about this topic, marriage, than any other, as it was, I think, one of the most sensitive things to write for Ariana, for to be loved as a woman by a man would never happen to her - there's little to no chance. And then the way you wrote it - little emphasis to the sadness, yet it was there; little emphasis to the bitterness, but it was there.

Loved this. It was moving.
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
You did a great job of getting Aberforth's feelings to come across and I love all of the little details you've included. I think it's really sad that she can't have that when she seems to want it so much, and the last line just about killed me. I also liked the breif interaction between Albus and Abe, I though that was really IC and plausable.
hiddenhibernian chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Oh, this was lovely; it really conveys what Aberforth would have been feeling, and why he was so bitter towards his brother. You really gave life to Ariana too - well done!
The QAS chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
Hmm...I liked it. It was short and sweet. You did an excellent job of portraying the characters of all three Dumbledore children. I like how you did Ariana. She behaves almost like she has low-functioning Autism - - which, based off of what we know about her, sounds fairly accurate (can you get Autism from tramatic experiences, or do you have to be born with it?) It's clear that she is a very sweet girl, and is certainly not stupid. Her story, in my opinion, is probably the saddest of all the Harry Potter deaths (except for maybe five-year-old Montgomery, who was killed by a werewolf after his mother refused to join the death eaters.) Anyway, great job. Keep up the good work!
Analie Janes chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
This is soo sad! I could definetly see this happening. great story, you written it beautifully!
wisegirlweasley chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
That was SO cute! I loved the ending, and it was so sad that she'll never have a future. I just loved this story, all in all, and it was very well written. Great piece!
Intergalactic Asher chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
That was so sweet... I love reading all the different portrayals of Ariana, and this was probably one of my favorites.
Petticoats chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
Oh my, this was so beautiful! Sorry, I do not have any concrit-it was simply lovely.
Anaela loves who chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
In character, and heart-breaking. I love it.
wsxokn chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
That's so beautiful.
Dechirure chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
All I could think of while reading this was "Aw". Really, I hate getting reviews that say "Aw" or something similiar but really, this is awesome. It nearly made me cry. I loved Ariana and the whole contact portion of it.

Just one more review and this'll no longer count as "under-reviewed". I'll go badger someone to review this so you can make it to twenty because this is simply brilliant.
StoryGirl02 chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
Ariana is portrayed exactly the way I thought her to be, and its heartbreaking. Her fics are always the best, there is so much potential in them. I loved the way she is attracted to shiny glitterly things and the fact that Abe and Albus try to explain to her, and the last line is perfect. Great, as always! :)
Cuban Sombrero Gal chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
I absolutely adore good Ariana fics, because for a character with such a small part, there's so much potential (and I feel horrible for saying that about a character with a mental illness, but there is), and this one was fabulous.

I love the little details, like Albus glaring at his brother for discussing it and Aberforth wondering if she remembers her father. They add so much to the story, mainly because they show a little more of the personalities we see in canon.

Great work, and I'm really pleased this was the in the RL archive.
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