Reviews for the moments fade
maya nd nick FOREVER chapter 30 . 8/6/2009
erm can u make a really happy 1 wiv maya nd pheonix fallin in love i would really like dat...BUT THIS IS QUALITY I READ EVERYTHIONG SINGLE CHAPTER WORD BY WORD U AV TO UPDATE!
Angst lover chapter 28 . 7/5/2009
I really like the story behind Lana and Ema's parents, especially how they were opposites. [That could be fodder for KlavierxEma in my mind xDD]

Great job on this chapter, it was sad but uplifting at the same time. Lana never really did leave Ema, now did she? :]

Great job!
Angst lover chapter 23 . 6/30/2009
Oh Maya.

Great job with this. I could see her reacting like this in some way or another at hearing about what happened to Phoenix.

Can't wait for more!
Angst lover chapter 20 . 6/27/2009
That nervous, inept attorney just kicked yo' but!

Ah, Kristoph love~ Methinks he's my favorite villian/bad guy so far. Props for the rise of Kristoph again.
Angst lover chapter 19 . 6/27/2009
Pfft, I don't like Lamiroir so this is a plus for me.


Of course thats mean, but I can't deny the truth!


Good job.
Angst lover chapter 18 . 6/27/2009
Aw this is so adorable! Edgeworth is so flustered when it comes to love. Especially one-sided love. D:
Angst lover chapter 15 . 6/27/2009

I like me some Apollo angst though! I really like how you wrote it too, it seems like that long trail of thought one has before they go to bed. Well, in this case he can't fall asleep but...

Good job. :3
VaatixSage chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
Wow, I can’t believe this hasn’t gotten more reviews. These stories are lovely; some of them gave me a good laugh while some of them touched me.

You’re fourteen? Holy snap.

I really want you to continue writing these, they’re absolutely amazing. I loved all of them, even the ones with pairings I don’t support. You’re an awesome author. At this point I can’t even pick out a favorite, which is why I’m reviewing the first chapter.
Angst lover chapter 10 . 6/17/2009
Poor poor Lana, it really wasn't her fault! She just wanted to help her sis /3

Nice job. :3
Angst lover chapter 4 . 6/15/2009
Oh this is just love. 3

TrucyxApollo is my OTP and I was really mad that Capcom went and, ya'know, did that. D

You did a great job writing this, poor Apollo! I feel so bad for him.