Reviews for Crown of Scars
GotCinnamonPunkC13 chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
I think ive cried far to much.
KatrinaAllard chapter 9 . 3/30/2011
This story needs an epilogue, I'm on the verge of tears here waiting for Draco!
KatrinaAllard chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
I sometimes read these kind o stories to distract myself to my life. I someday bullied or anything but somehow I feel alone, I have tons of friends but I feel alone. I guess I feel like Ginny, and my parents actually hate me sometimes so that's the only difference.

And I've gonethrough deaths in the family just yesterday and I'm not one for crying so my pain gets bottle up and I am tempted to cut myself, which I've never done before nehem I read these stories, even Yhe anorexia ones, I feel like I'm reading the pain out.

This is a such a good story, thanks so much for writing something that shows even people with loved that arent completely horrible still feel alone
Beware the monkeys chapter 4 . 12/26/2010
This is really really good :) one of my best mates cuts and we had this massive convo about why and stuff and I get why she does it but it really upsets me when she does coz I feel like I'm not good enough to keep her happy. But we have devised a plan to try and stop her cutting, she's going to call me when she feels the pressure and we'll talk everything through and she's seeing counselling as well. You're story is immense-we both read it and we're hoping for a happy ending for ginny! :) keep it up 3
Down and Beaten chapter 9 . 4/17/2010
You are a good writer. I could never guess what was going to happen next. I loved the last author's note at the bottom. (I'm not exactly clean but I'm not as bad as I used to be.) Thankz for writing such wonderful works.
Annie chapter 9 . 2/25/2009
Thanks for this story. It was really eye opening to me. I have a friend that was dealing with cutting herself last year, and she has a good life, so I could never fully understand why she did it. I think now I have a better point of view. She is sort of the left behind child. She is in the middle and while both her parents love her dearly, her younger and older siblings get all the attention. Unlike Ginny, however, I think my friend did it to get some of the attention that she has been denied. So, thank you Opaque.
Ra'iira The Fiend chapter 9 . 12/15/2008
Your story was beautiful and provocative and oh-so-painful. It even almost sent me into a relapse (I had a huge fight with my dad last night where he ended up calling me a worthless ) it was so powerful. Thank you so much for writing it.
Ra'iira The Fiend chapter 3 . 12/14/2008
I think we should get married.
deleted2012 chapter 9 . 12/13/2008

japjen chapter 9 . 3/25/2008
I'm not sure if you ever even look to see if you have new reviews anymore, but just in case you do, I thought I'd leave one. I really did enjoy reading your fic. It rang true to me in every aspect of life. In other words, the emotions that you conveyed in and through the book through each character you wrote did not seem strained or as if you were grasping at straws. I hope and pray that by now maybe you will have quit cutting, but having never cut, myself, I refuse to claim any understanding of the difficulty it must pose. One minor thing, I do hope that by now, 6 years later, your parents have quick trying to restrict who you talk to on-line or otherwise although I know that some parents never would give up. I guess that's really all, I just wanted to leave you a note to congratulate you on the completion of what must have been two fics that must have been an indescribable emotional strain to put into words.
BeckyMorganJamesPendragon chapter 6 . 1/25/2008
ok this is geting so boring i'm going to stop reading it
BeckyMorganJamesPendragon chapter 5 . 1/25/2008
this is so dipresing
BeckyMorganJamesPendragon chapter 4 . 1/25/2008
this is brillent
BeckyMorganJamesPendragon chapter 3 . 1/25/2008
this is great
maddy chapter 1 . 10/7/2007
I just wanted to say that this is truly an awesome story. It has affected me so much and has truly helped me to get over many problems I have had going on. Thanks and this is a great stoory! do a sequel or something! that would be awesome
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