Reviews for The Godking
AidennPluto chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
Hi :) So, I first read your YYH stories yeeears ago. I don't know what impulse brought me back after so long, but I think I am more in love with your writing now than I was then, if that's possible. I just wanted you to know that. I'm afraid I sound infantile when I try literary criticism/ gush, so I'll keep it to a minimum. Your plots are unlike anything out there, and I love love love how with a few words you suggest years of events that we don't know about, that we either find out about much later or never at all. Any oneshot of yours could become a whole world. It's just very juuuuuuicy. And I adore your characterization of the boys and how balanced you keep them. Usually people have an obvious preference for one or the other (usually not Kuwabara) and it's so delightful how much thought you put into all of their psyches. Just - I think you're a very unique beautiful heartbreaking writer. If you ever come back to YYH stories, just know this person will be dropping everything to read it ten times a day until she's 80.

Thank you, thank you forever.
jcampbellohten chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
I thought the last body Kurama looked at was Keiko's, and I thought it was a great example of "show, don't tell," having Yusuke's reaction, but then they get married, so I figured Genkai? Then I was slightly confused by the best man scene, and then I thought for a second it was Hiei who died because you made a point of Kuwabara looking right at him, before finally I realized you were doing this Sixth Sense-style and Kuwabara was Bruce Willis. It brings up the question: why is Kurama able to see/talk to him?
Cushion chapter 1 . 11/20/2012
Wow. This is so tragic and heart-breaking. And the reference to Amanuma's death was just wrenching the knife in my heart - I remembered feeling so, so sad during that scene in the manga/anime. Kurama deserves a hug.

A wonderful story and definitely one of the best I've read in this fandom.
SlowMercury chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Oh wow, well done story.

At least Kurama is finally telling someone; that's not a good thing to keep bottled up. He lied about his stepfather, and about too many other important things. It's not healthy. (I think Kurama might be wrong about Yuusuke, but then again maybe not, so I can understand why he wouldn't have risked it.)

And Kurama lost his other persona, too, and that must have cost him his family in some ways. I don't think Kurama is going to recover from this for a long long time, if ever. Very good job on this story.
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
And this is why I will never be able to write a convincing war story. Well done.

I'm going to go find some tissues to cry into now.
alexanndria chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
O_O I didn't see that coming! That was so sad. Good work!
Ani Mei chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
wow! I didn't see that ending coming. Very good with the plot and tying the details together.
astrovagant chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Of course I'm not crying! *sniffles*
Sora Sotara chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
Unexpected. I was mostly skimming over it until I got towards the end and then had to go back and read again to be sure I hadn't missed something while I was distracted. Nice work though. Not at all what I thought would happen and that's hard to do sometimes.

Also, Kuwabara would totally forgive him. Maybe he even gave a sign that he knew it was going to happen. He has shown minor prophetic skill and it would have been his own immediate future which can make things easier.
KKYOKO chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
So, this is like ten thousand different kinds of awesome. I liked the melancholy tone, and I also liked not knowing that Kuwabara was a ghost until the end. That was a nice twist. I wondered why Kurama was so...lost. I guess that works. Anyway, great job!
ChibiLady chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
Suicide In A Bottle chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
War always comes with a price. Unfortunately that price is always Very steep.
Selryam chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Shiiiit, the twist totally got me. What an epic.
MaRuX chapter 1 . 3/23/2010
That was a bit depressing. But totally worth the read.

Honestly, good plot twists are so hard to find nowadays. And you pulled it off so very nicely. :)

Wonderful job, can't wait to see more of your works!

I wish further inspiration and good luck!
littlefoxling101.2 chapter 1 . 1/18/2010
Wow that was sad but soo cool too. Love the story you's gets a cookie for good writing!YAY! I'm also an authoress loking for new reviewers and was wondering: do you like kurama paired with any of the following:



Kazuma kuwabara





snd other such characters?

Cause if you do I am currentlly working on this stories but have up kurama paired with the following

Karasu and youko
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