Reviews for Absolution
olivia-yuymaxwell chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
It's interesting that you wrote tjis from Kanda's point of view, because not so many would write in Kanda's pov. I kinda like yours, it shows the complication a0of their realtionship, the enigma that's Allen walker, and how Kanda's denial would be useless. It's sweet and cute to see that, good job :)
mittarimato chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
Oh, I wouldn't want to live inside Kanda's head. :)
I enjoyed reaing this immensely and, on a side note, that characterisation of Allen and Kanda is very well done.
I really pay attention to it because ooc-characters ruin my reading experience. But you have no worry of that, you incredible being.
That bit about the last piece of toast was to die for, .
Lenore91 chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Well written! Nice insights here and I love that Allen can laugh and smile, acting entirely in character in your yullen fics. Once again, you've got the contrast right. :)
RedPineapple27 chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
Somehow, this was sort of cute.
hanabimonai chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
Wow, I found you on FF . net! :D

Thanks to a1ypuff I was able to read this fic on livejournal already but I didn't have an account there so I couldn't say anything about it.

This is how I've always thought things would work between them. That it would take a very long time for Kanda to come to terms with their involvement with each other being deeper than just a physical fling.

Thank you! Nice work. :)
moshimellow chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
Ahh very nice~! I squee-ed a lot~ X3
matchynishi chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
I love this so much, omg. :(
Anonymous chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
Incredible my friend.
Arvi chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
That was really cool. Kanda's POV - so much in character. Great job.
pictures-of-the-night chapter 1 . 10/14/2009
I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE! It uses such great imagery throughout and Kanda's feelings are described so beautifully in his oh so fitting currently-in-denial mode! For a first fic, that was SO DAMN GOOD. *you've gained yourself a rabid fan* *grins*

MORE YULLEN :D:D I'd love to read more from ya! :) definitely gonna be a favourite!
Angel Fantasy chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
*grins* That was funny lol. For your first time in writing a D. Gray Man fic, I say that you're 10/10 good. Maybe you could try doing an adventure/humor fic with this pair; you seem to know Kanda and Allen's personalities very well, especially when they talk to each other. Continue writng ok?
Animaeus chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
Read your other fics too and my gawd this is absolutely amazing. I am inlove with your writingstyle! You portray Kanda so well its hard to believe this is not canon. Though for any devoted kanare/arekan fan this is a sort of canon. I am looking forward to your next DGM fic .
Lai Jun Chen chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
poor allen. you make kanda seem like such an ass to him. but i love this pairing, all the same!
Dr. Composed chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
Wow, you are the queen (or king, I have no way of knowing xD) of unclear situations that are unattached to any kind of specific plot. Which is an amazing writing style, in my opinion. Also one that I could never achieve, which makes me respect it all the more. Anyway, great story! D

That's what Kanda gets for nicknaming Allen after food. xD
duck-ducks chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
you write very well, very very well :D
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