Reviews for The Lucky Ones
Red Tale chapter 1 . 10/3/2009

Thank you for adding this perspective to the story.

I added it to the SAINW community.
thehappystalkerball chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
What? That was written just fine! Don't down yourself in your own author's note! That usually just leads to people trying to pick out the negatives in your fic or try to assure you of your writing, but not really tell you much about the actual fic you've written. I guess if that's what you want. Your writing was fine, I didn't see any spelling errors, and everything looked grammatically correct to me.

Now the fic itself was very uplifting to read especially there at the end. The descriptions were easy to read and there wasn't any boring bits. I thought it all flowed very nicely and built up to the ending perfectly. I could totally picture Donatello having those kinds of thoughts as well. Very believable. I thought it was a great fic and would like to see more Don fics from you! :D
Donatellolover chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
Wow this is good! So sad! Poor Donnie!

And what are you talking about written badly? It's awesome!