Reviews for Jumping Off
freckledizuku chapter 1 . 3/20/2017
OoOoh, I love fics like this ;)
hetaseven chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
I dont give a crap, very nice fic! :D
Katie-chan of the leaf village chapter 1 . 4/1/2016
That was amazing! Was Sasuke plotting this the entire time?
jj chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
very interesting
JellyBeanBo chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
This made me giggle and squeal a lot. 'Younger brother gets together with older brother's friend' is such a cliché premise, but done well it turns out to be a really fun and great read. Which this story definitely is!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
You write very well, but I really disliked the way their relationship played out. Naruto had no interest in Sasuke whatsoever UNTIL he became hot. After that, he's a drooling mess. From beginning to end, this pairing was 100% superficial on Naruto's side.

Don't forget Naruto's response when they told him Sasuke would be at the cabin. He'd nearly forgotten him. He found Sasuke's crush sort of cute, but it made him uncomfortable overall. He didn't have any positive feelings toward Sasuke himself, like memories of good times they had together or things he'd liked about the kid. He sure as hell didn't come to like anything about the 18 year-old Sasuke. In fact, he actually disliked him a lot. The one thing he DID like was Sasuke's body.

How am I supposed to be happy that they got together when it ONLY happened because of Sasuke's LOOKS?! Don't forget, Sasuke acted like an ass to Naruto the whole time, so it sure as hell wasn't because of his damn personality!

And I don't even know what to say about Sasuke. His character didn't make any sense. Why did he change so much in 4 years? It was never explained. Why was he so angry around Naruto? It was never explained. Why did he tell Naruto to stay away from him when he still liked him? It was never explained. Why did Sasuke like Naruto so much back when he was 14? It was never explained. Why has Sasuke's crush persisted after all of these years? It was never explained.

I can make GUESSES about all of these things, but as the reader, that's not actually my job. I'm not supposed to finish developing your main character for you. That's your job.

But all of these question marks about Sasuke actually bring us back to Naruto. He knows Sasuke has changed a lot and that he's treating him unfairly. Do we ever see him try to get to the bottom of Sasuke's changes. I mean, really try? He asks Itachi about it once, but doesn't ask Sasuke about it himself. He confronts Sasuke about his behavior, but doesn't really try to get to the bottom of it. Instead he gets distracted by how hot Sasuke is. You're trying to convince us that these two are an actual pairing and not a couple of hormonal guys, yet Naruto doesn't act in the way that someone who actually CARES about Sasuke would.

I really don't understand why the climax to the story was triggered by some stupid talk about jumping off a rock. Was Naruto worrying about Sasuke trying to do the same thing supposed to show us how "deep" his feelings for Sasuke are? That was a really weak way to do it. If anything, Naruto's worries just underscored how much he doesn't know what Sasuke is like. He honestly had no idea whether or not Sasuke would want to try it. He just assumed.

But more importantly, why waste your time on that scene with the lake when you could have actually had Naruto and Sasuke sit down and talk to one another as people. Maybe get to know each other? That would have solved A LOT of the characterization problems. Instead, the flow of their relationship is like this: Naruto thinks Sasuke is hot. Sasuke acts like an ass. The flirt heavily in the bathroom. Sasuke spends the next day or so ignoring Naruto. They talk about jumping off a rock. They go fuck.

Where, in the above list, did any of their relationship problems get solved? Where was the development? You gave us Naruto drooling over Sasuke, but no development.
ChibiNekoBandit chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
Cute story. I liked how you did the "growing up" thing.
Thanks for posting this!
Lady Spain chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
I love itttt
PunPunMatt chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
I know this was written awhile back, but it's just too amazing to contain. I love it. It's short and simple. First, I love how they're all friends having their little hangouts. I also really liked how Sasuke use to follow Naruto around when he was younger. That's just so cute! Haha. Apparently we find out why Sasuke's so moody. : ) I know this was written for a friend, but I wouldn't mind seeing you play with the idea of a younger Sasuke and older Naruto. Haha. Thank you for writing.
Jamaican Princess Rocquellan chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
That was really entertaining, I enjoy it :)
MoshiMoshiQueen chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
I don't know why I've never reviewed any of your fics before, lol I think I've read them before this. Nice work.
Ghostlanxx chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
Loved it How you managed to make such a good plot from so little details given, is awesome :)) Now I want to have a gathering somewhere with water and lots of alcohol XD
finnthebitch chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
overall this story is very good, and the characterizations of naruto and sasuke are excellent. however, the grammar is pretty spotty and sometimes makes comprehension difficult, but I suspect that english isn't your first language. anyways, great job.
Rasengan22 chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
... that was cute. i liked this sasuke, being all broody. lol. and the thought of him tailing naruto was just so... different, kind of. and i liked how itachi was protective but still cool. i really enjoyed it because everyone acted so relaxed and consistent. i liked the bits you showed that sasuke hadn't become completely different and that he was still interested. i just liked EVERYTHING as usual because you never make them as annoying as they could be. i always end up enjoying however you characterize them. and naruto was so damn sexy. i hate to compliment your sasukes all the time and not your narutos... but it's naruto, so do i need to compliment him? as he's awesome always. heh. good story!
Super Special Awesome Sensei chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
That was cute. I loved the turn around with Naruto chasing after him.

I loved it!
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