Reviews for Reverse Victims
allurement chapter 1 . 6/12/2009
I am only sorry I hadn't read this sooner. The ending-my God, the very last sentence; it just cut me & hurt so much D:

I love how all of this ties in with the anime. It's like I can actually imagine this happening in there, like a cut scene. I also really liked your reference to time running in circles. It sums up the series as a whole spot on.

Thank you for the fic :D Seriously, it's made my day, especially since I only expected like, a drabble. I love your Lelouch, by the way. I want to marry him.
Vanity-chan chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
Wow. Just... wow. I don't even know how to describe it.

Hmm. I honestly think that this would've happened in the series. It... I don't know, fits? Yeah. And the last line just broke my heart. Because you know, I always remember Lelouch's death! Like, everyday, it's actually scary.

This is so heartbreaking and beautiful.

Lord of Murder chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
aw such a sad ending both to the fic and to the show.
CrimsonNoble chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
That was very good.

I liked the end a lot. I also liked Kallen's characterization.
CAD386 chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
This is an awesome little oneshot. It's a darker take than usual on Kallen, and I have to admit that I really, really like it. Good job.
Lin-isfallingupthesky chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
Damn it, why did Lulu have to die? T_T I'm constantly reminded of this whenever I visit , lol. Anyway, loved the way the emotions and everything unfurl like a game of chess, especially the last two sentences-you K.O.-ed the shock factor.:D
All That Is Left Unsaid chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
Wow. Yeah, pretty much what Dear Aerith, Ryder77, and Valor Drive said. Some of the best characterization I've seen.

Pride, anxiousness, fear, loyalty, hate, affection, frustration, shame, righteosness, suspicion, doubt, regret,'s all here and in such perfect amounts.

The little parts where you describe things in contradictions that still make sense were great, and you seem to have taken the chess theme from the series and made some creative additions of your own with the countdown in turns to Kallen's losing, the issue of sacrifice, and which piece Lelouch was guarding...The last line just killed me.
AEDReaper chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
Pure amazing awesomeness.
SnakeofNinjutsu chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
This was an incredible fanfic. You really did capture Lelouch's and Kallen's character. I would really like to see more.
piston heart chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
I love this. It makes my eyes and my throat sting, but in a good way, so I don't mind it. It's lovely and bitter and sharp, and the time running in circles thing? Wonderful. Nothing is too long or too short, and the way you use chess games... It's just wonderfully executed, and oh! the characterization makes me sigh in envy.

I am so faving this, because it's fucking perfect- 'scuse my language. I'd love it if you kept on writing in this fandom if the inspiration struck, but now I'm babbling, so. Thank you for writing this. -insertheartshere-
Kilei chapter 1 . 6/5/2009

heartbreaking! though i manage to understand it after reading it the second .
Annie Sparklecakes chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
My favorite part of this was at the beginning, when you mentioned Lelouch touching his mouth when gloating or thinking. The rest of the fic was amazing, though. Lelouch, in particular, was done incredibly and wonderfully and I really, really loved this, even if the end depressed me about as much as the end of the anime. Not cool. :(
ryder77 chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
Powerful. Very in-character. A few typos here and there, but gets the message through.

“I just took your king.”

“I was never protecting him.”

regenerate chapter 1 . 6/5/2009

Oh my god.


Fucking heartbreaking.

Lelouch would so have it ...ugh.

You entered my fandom!

You should stay in it.

I really don't know how to word this I'm so in love with it. You caught Kallen's rage, her hatred of Britannians, her desire to understand Lelouch..

Lelouch's almost patient, gentle way of keeping her from knowing's so good it makes me sick almost.

By the way, hi. My LJ died. 8D
Star Jinin chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
OMG I finally get it :D I feel so slow! I just totally LOVE the way the concept of sacrifice is portrayed here. This totally reminds me of Turn 19 where Lelouch breaks Kallen's heart to let her go! w And I'm impressed that you got Ohgi's character down so well as well! :D
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