Reviews for For the Best
Basched chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
E, a very nice story. Well it don't seem like it would be for McCoy but we all know that the Starfleet deal will work out much better for him! XD
bigbadjayne chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Wow. In such a shor time you have managed to give an amazing amount of clear information into why McCoy was leaving earth, not just that his wife had taken everything, but his former father in law was behind it as well.

You capture his voice and thoughts wonderfully, and more than a brief stab of pain and sympathy was felt by this reader for the machinations behind his departure for Starfleet.

Great work here, thank you for sharing-
ne71 chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
Great story. I especially loved “It's a big ole world. I'd say it'd be slim-to-none.”

I don't know if the idea of Bones getting shut out of other hospital positions was floated during the movie, but if not, it was an inspired choice here. Love the idea of the former father in-law making sure the ex-husband gets nowhere near his baby.

Great job on finding Bones' voice, too. The dialogue felt perfect.

Well done!

ladyisme chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
So, that's how you lose an entire planet in a divorce. As sorry as I feel for McCoy i feel even sorrier for the guy who winds up with his ex-wife. I wonder though, was it the wife or the father in law that was the true source of the malice shown towards Leonard?
TheDreamerLady chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
Oh. Poor man. Poor, poor man.

Red Bess Rackham chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
Aw, man, poor McCoy. Nice job!

Dorian Vorendal chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
I thought it was great. The best prelude to bone's attitude I've ever heard
DarlingLady chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
This makes perfect sense in how he could lose the planet in the divorce. However it also pissed me off to see him get dumped all over, so now I want to see his ex-wife and her father get their comeuppance. Or for Jim to get some kind of revenge for him since Bones would never do it himself. Excellent story, now you just need to make the hurt better.
damsel-in-stress chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
Ooh, poor Bones. :(

That was a genius idea for a ficlet and you really managed to keep McCoy totally IC.


That was all that was left of Dr. Leonard McCoy as he listened to the judge repeat everything that had been “agreed” to at the settlement conference the day before.

He didn't even have any skin left."

It was horribly believable and very well done; I especially liked the sense of inevitable doom as the father talked to him at the end. *Shudder* I like how you wrote him ‘volunteering’ to join Starfleet.

Thanks for sharing.

~Damsel :)
Kerry3 chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
I liked your interpretation of how Bones came to join Starfleet. It made his character in the movie make a lot more sense, and brought a lot more depth to his character. As always, your writing style is wonderfully conversational. It was nice to see you post a new story on here. Made me go back and read some of your Sam/Mal classics. Okay, so I know they're mostly Sam classics, but even now, years after the story, I'm still the die-hard Sam/Mal shipper. :) Wow. Haven't used many of these terms in a long time.

Anywho. I thought your characterization of Bones was spot-on. And props to your new beta, as well. :)

Hope all is going well with you.
