Reviews for SHADES of GRAY
Sunny Okanagan chapter 70 . 7/15
What a fun story. As much as my mother might drive me insane I’m so glad I don’t have Carlos’s. He really did open himself up to shades of grey and so much more. Thanks for sharing.
13360116-Delete-account chapter 70 . 6/4
That was so good. I enjoyed reading it will there more any time soon.
12456237-DeleteAccountPlease chapter 70 . 10/2/2019
What a great story. I enjoyed reading it. Please update very soon .
an00626 chapter 42 . 8/26/2019
since this story is not finished I know that because I've listened to this multiple times as one of the following chapters you should have tanked get kitties into the building.
Guest chapter 50 . 7/17/2019
This is great story; you’re a very talented writer. But I must say the immaturity and nosiness of Tank, Lester, Bobby and Mrs. Manoso isn’t endearing or humorous; it’s just annoying.
an00626 chapter 42 . 6/3/2019
should have had Tank get a kitten now and the dopey twins too. lol
an00626 chapter 22 . 6/3/2019
your vacation seem to sound like mine I Hope they've improved over time.
misty23y chapter 70 . 5/28/2019
I absolutely enjoyed this story and wish you would continue it, but I see that is unlikely. sigh, such a shame.
Blistful2006 chapter 15 . 1/24/2019
Omg Loved the alluding to Janet Evanovich series in this story. Its hilarious and the scene of her basically explaining a plot of her heroine life to Stephanie that is basically Stephanie's life was ingenious. I must say JE has lost her touch and Ive pretty much given up o her but I do enjoy what others do with her characters making them so much better than what she had done with them. It is rather formulaic these days and not nearly as enjoyable.
debnorm4 chapter 70 . 10/22/2018
This story is amazing. Hopefully one day you will come back to it and finish, ty
debb lavoie chapter 70 . 9/13/2018
You have a great imagination! And a great sense of humor; I laughed so hard in some scenes. My favorite was the car that got some 'new' decoration.

I love what you've done with the characters. Steph is a wonder and brings such joy to all who know her. I will be reading this one again, well done!
debb lavoie chapter 2 . 9/11/2018
I love that Steph is an artist!
Tommy14 chapter 64 . 8/25/2018
Thank you for sharing this entertaining story. I've enjoyed reading your take on Stephanie and Ranger. Loved the difference from canon. It was fun meeting Ranger's Cuban funny. Ranger is in luck as Stephanie rolls with the flow with her own quirky Grandmother and is able to deal with his.
PhantomPilot chapter 70 . 6/14/2018
10701136-Delete-account-please chapter 70 . 5/15/2018
Aww that was great is there going to more.
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