Reviews for Their Resolve
S-angelwings-S chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
i can honestly say that this is one of the best sasuke jealousy story i have ever read! I think you're writing style really complimented the situation presented in your story. Well done!
CutieBelle26 chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Very very very cute! I liked it a lot lol I never really liked Sai... he seems kind of weird and a couple bricks short of a full load. I like Sasuke tho, him and Sakura are a good match -. This fic was well written with good description and emotion. Good job! -
Cherry-Midnight chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
aw that was a sweet story 3
Nalaula chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
I loved it! Its really good!
Tiger Priestess chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
SasuSaku forever! I love this, Sasuke's jealousy is also awesome. You have to love jealous Sasuke!
maplethistlerose chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
LOVE IT! Very cute!
behindthosewalls chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
aw. it was nice..:)

I love it.. oh yeah, I love this line:

"A cherry blossom that had been caught in the wind, that he kept attempting to catch, though each time he got close the wind got stronger and blew her further away."
SAILORMERCY chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
This story was great. I dont think you rambled put enough detail in the story to make it rich and great story...
incompetent dabbler chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
Aw I absolutely love this one shot! Great job and good luck!


Luna Rei Harmony
reviee chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
...write a sequel? XD

anything for another good SasuSaku fic, you know. (;

I hope you'll post a note when the sequel (if) is up~~
EdwardBellaAndSasuSaku4Eva chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
Awesome job! Please make a sequel!
Miickey chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
Good story so far. Update ASAP! :3
Pajamaly chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
I liked how there were plenty of details, and how you portrayed the characters.

Yes, you should do a sequel to this!
Kate2231 chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
I thought that your story was very lovely and sweet. It was very well-written and had a cute ending. I loved Sasuke's jealousy...You managed to portray the characters very nicely. I think you should definately write a sequel.
Feelin SPAZTIC chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
Please write a sequel. I liked this story so much!