Reviews for Seasons
TheEliteLabRatsLover chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
I'm seriously so beyond amazed at how incredibly talented you are. This is incredible. Thank you for writing it.
BeWhoYouAre99 chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
You're someone with a background in literature, right? I can totally tell!
Bloodmoon-Shinigami chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
Wonderful. I like your use of the seasons. Very cleverly done.
MyGuiltiestPleasure chapter 1 . 4/17/2012
These were actually very excellently written, and showed just how much Sam loved and needed Dean even though the stories were about Dean being mostly ill, or out of it in some way. Sam's eternal need for Dean still was the focal point to each and every story, cool!
ccase13 chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Your pictures on dry were very interesting.
Ann chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
I don't comment and review as often as I should so I even though I'm rather late reading these drabbles I felt I should let you know how much I liked all four of them. I sometimes find Sam hard to understand, maybe because I'm an older sibling, but I thought these gave some good insight. I also like your notes at the end - not just here, but with your other fics as well. They often add to the story, for me anyway.
Scanilla chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
Wow. I loved this very much. I agree with Sam, every time I thought the Winchesters were rock-bottom, they sank lower. Though at the beginning of the season 2 after John's death is the only time I've wondered IF the brothers will survive. Things were looking so bad for a while but after they got back to their feet, I've just thought that they can survive anything together. And even though the fate separates them sometimes, they'll find their way back to each other. I'm rambling. Hopefully it shows that I really, really enjoyed these undrabbles of yours. Especially the last one.
TheKritty chapter 1 . 6/27/2009
Aw, I loved all four little drabbles! There is so much brotherly love and also angst and a little bit hurt!dean :)

Well done, great job!

PhoenixDragonDreamer chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
MAN, I have always loved your work! I saw this and saved it - just because it was you! And lemme tell you - every line - PURE GOLD.

*Smishes you senseless*

sunnyjunedays chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
Hi, Sorry this is late but i just seem to have no time to do the things i want to do these days. The joys of being a working mother i suppose.

Loved these, very emotional and very true to character for the Winchesters. I enjoyed each and every one and will hopefully get some downtime where i can read and let you know how undoubtedly wonderful your latest offering is. Thanks and take care. x
Twinchy chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
The first un-drabble (as you called it, hehe) was the most powerful of the bunch IMHO. Awesome, thrilling, angsty and filled with family ties that hardly ever showed if not in desperate situations. Great Bobby was there too!

It really moved me deeply how 'clingy' John was with his youngest to be his stalwart standing fast with Dean in such bad shape - and getting ever so much worse.

In that respect, I liked the spring rain theme very much too, and how it also coincided with Dean's recovery. Having the older sibling's screem die down all of a sudden, made for an amazing tension arch.

"He knows you're flying away, he just doesn't know where. You got that look down, like you're just waiting to get outta here." Oh yeah, I certainly believe that hit the point quite brilliantly in the second scenario, Mirror.

Very nice observation with Sam reflecting quite drunkenly about the ever increasing rock-bottom theme in their lives and how it defies all odds to alienate/offend/antagonize both angels and demons at the same time. As he said, seems like no one's on their side anymore - except Bobby, of course!
PADavis chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
Oh hon this was gorgeous. I can't review four times, so next time, do each in a chapter! LOL.

These were exquisite. I could quote them all back to you but will refrain best I can. Each one was gem.

Spring - this got me "they felt five times larger and alien, and he knew that if Dean died, they would never feel the same way again, they'd never see the world the same way again, they'd never be dry again, they'd never be his again." That and the line about having to get Sam back from China.

Summer - "tone of supremacy unmistakable, because invariably he was making sure his moral high-ground against their absentee father was well established – I'm not gonna leave you, not like him." Lovely.

Fall - "He used to like the Fall, liked the winds bringing in change so unquestionable that you smelled it in the air and saw it in the color of the leaves and heard it when they rustled and left. This season, however, was not so great; he had just lost his future, lost the love of his life. Some damn change."

And Winter: "“Nope,” Dean said, grinning, “Sam Winchester, fourth grade talent show. The teacher said you were precocious. I got another.” That and of course "It'll get better. I said so."

Thank you very much!

annie200 chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
As ever I love your writing.

There is a wonderful ebb and flow between Sam and Dean in the first three parts, (and on a lighter note I love Sam's bitching about being double freaks and being rejected by both sides)

There was something very touching in Dean knowing all those quotes through Sam's performances. I don't know whether it was intentional but somehow it just accentuated Dean's constancy as far as Sam is concerned.
Vtll chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
This is great! I love the first and the last one the best, but my favorite quote comes from the first drabble:

"You're all right?" Sam asked, wetly, his nose a mess on Dean's sweat-soaked shirt.

"'Course I'm all right."

Sam lifted his head from Dean's shirt and looked up at him, "Then I'm all right too."

PERFECT! Everything I like about wee!chesters wrapped into one exchange!

Lol - I might actually have to quote that on my profile.

Anyway - once again, you've surpassed my expectations for a story. I usually don't read drabbles or challanges, but I'm definately glad I read this one. Keep up the great work! I look forward to what you write next!
Chica De Los Ojos Cafe chapter 1 . 5/31/2009
Oh this was so great. I really did love it. I think you wrote the Winchester boys down to a T. I love those boys and you did them such justice. Thanks for that.

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