Reviews for Stereotype
Summer of '69 chapter 9 . 3/20/2012
This made me really happy. Busting open when everyone thinks about them and proving them wrong. My older brother and dad just were in a fight so I needed this.
Kathhh chapter 6 . 12/19/2009
Your chapter on Chekov made me fall in love with him even more deeply.
Blue-Eyed Chica chapter 9 . 9/5/2009
love it! not the biggest fan of ayel, cause i just cant bring myself to like him, but the rest i like
audi katia chapter 9 . 8/2/2009
“If you never mention this again then neither will I. But I am your Captain and I will never abandon you.” He says that with such conviction, like he’s promising himself that as well.

“It hurts.” Ayel chokes out. “It hurts and that damned Vulcan will never…can never know what it feels like.”

...You made me feel sorry for them. Wow. Especially Ayel. (I have a certain soft-spot for him to be honest.) This makes me want to read more Nero/Ayel friendship fics.

I can see why this is one of your favorite chapters. While all of your chapters are of a high quality, this one has a different level to it that the other ones don't quite meet up to. I think the emotion in this one is just a bit more raw and a bit more unusual than the rest.

Great work and that's great news about getting a new team for work. :) Hope things run a little more smoothly for you.
Time and Fate chapter 9 . 8/2/2009
I totally loved this. Especially Sulu's, I agree aboutbthe lack of stereotypes, it was one of the things that madeST great
vibrantlyVIVID27 chapter 9 . 8/1/2009
I love being able to see these characters in a different light. Ayel and Chekov's chapters were my favorite. The yo-yo made me laugh really hard and for a moment I truly began to pity Ayel. I couldn't imagine losing everything either.
Adoete chapter 8 . 7/27/2009
this is hilarious! scotty is one of my favorites and i think you wrote him really well! great job :D
SnowsongIsAJaypawFan chapter 6 . 7/22/2009
YAY! YOU GOT A JOB! And all of these "character expansions" are a little odd, so Chekov liking rock isn't so surprising. I can imagine that without exploding. Maybe.
SnowsongIsAJaypawFan chapter 3 . 7/22/2009
brodie-wan chapter 8 . 7/3/2009
It's not as bad as you think, dahlia, but it does end rather abruptly. I for one would love to read your version of the disappearing beagle! Yes, that is a direct challenge. An aged Admiral Archer might be fun. I can see Scotty's self absorption getting on his nerves quite easily.
carsonsgirl chapter 8 . 7/3/2009
Just discovered and am really enjoying this fic! :D Funny enough, I think I like this best so far: "ship this pairing so hard it makes the Titanic look like a bath toy" (yes I know that was an A/N and not part of the fic, but still ilked it). Hee. I'm a Spock/Uhura shipper too, so anywhere you want to throw that in (even when it's irrelevant), feel free! ;) Lookin forward to more
SLWalker chapter 8 . 7/3/2009
All right, I'll be right up front: I don't like the movie. But I think I love you, and here's why - I could not put a real, genuine finger on what it was that I found so desperately off-putting about Pegg's version versus Doohan's (who I am unabashedly a fangirl of), until I read this. And now, it all seems to clear. Insightful, intelligent characterization on your part, and even if we can't agree on which version is the awesome, I definitely tip my hat at you for this. It makes perfect sense.
forever-young-88 chapter 8 . 7/3/2009
Yayy, Scottyy!
audi katia chapter 8 . 7/2/2009
Don't listen to Archer, Scotty. You are great!

So, I basically love this. So few people write about Scotty's backstory.

"Except his teachers are used to talented students, his friends are just like him and the girls prefer guys who talk about something other than themselves. Bored, he turns to his studies and original research."

This reminds me of a lot of friends who went to college only to find that they weren't as awesome as they thought. It's a sort of universal feeling that everyone experiences at least once in their lives.

Since this was such a good chapter for such an awesome character, I will resist flogging you with a wet noodle. I'm excited for more chapters. Gaila? Yay!
Shatterwing chapter 8 . 7/2/2009
Lol, I can understand Scotty being difficult. It's just in his nature.

No wet noodle flogging but I would (hopefully) suggest that, in addition to Gaila, Pike, Nero and other such characters, You could re-do the crew from a different perspectives...

Just a thought, I'll be happy with whatever you give me.


Love your fic, please update soon.
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