Reviews for Kick It
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30/2015
it was lame, you are lame, but i am lame too, so keep writing so you will not be lame anymore
Guest chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
totally adorable! XD
ScarletCamellia chapter 1 . 4/23/2010
Aw. Naughty at the end! Cutesy though.
blackwolves101 chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
xD and kicked him where the sun doesnt shine!

ill be luaghing about that one for a month!
Naruto-fan-Okami-chan chapter 1 . 5/27/2009
Gahh! I'll review about the story in a moment but, girl, HAVE SOME SELF-CONFIDENCE! You have no reason to say your stories are lame! That's the opposite of what I think! Trust me, I've read some real bad stuff before, I won't say the names...because I can't remember any right now but that's beside the point! You, whether you believe it or not, are one good writer! A number of the stories I've read pale in comparison! Ya really gotta start having some pride and confidence in your abilities!

Well, onto the story...girl, ya know how many stories have come to me at the most random of times that end up being well-liked? ...Well, about all of them, and you've got the same deal! Truthfully, the idea of Sasuke getting drunk and confessing his feelings to Sakura, now that plot is, in fact, cliche now, but what's truly appreciated is when someone takes that cliche plot, adds in some twists, and makes it completely original! That's what you did! Sakura didn't immediately melt into the fact of Sasuke admitting he still loves her, he had to take a couple moments to confirm and fight for her love! The title...well I only have to say it doesn't sound like it fits to the story is all. Maybe the ending would have had a better edge without that whole history quote, (as in just leaving it at the moment where he closes the door, that kind of gives you that almost movie-feel where the door closes and everything fades out to an end. You get what I mean?) but at least you didn't drag it out. (Like, adding some mini-epilogue to the end with an ending that wasn't as good really may have killed it.)

All-in-all, I hope you take what I've told you and hopefully imporove! I will admit there will be stories that are epic faliures (we all make them, hey, the ugly has gotta come out somewhere) and that in turn may be the thing that makes you doubt your abilities, but don't let it get to ya! Got it? Hope to see more from you! (And if you are on such a writing palooza, take that as an oppritunity to meld together something really amazing! I'll definitely be looking out for that!) Good luck zaGooRian aTheNa! ~Okami-chan
Leeches Lolita chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
that was so cute! yay for SasuSaku!
carakristine chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
it wasn't lame! it was actually cute and funny! good job ]
Yuuki-san chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
you should include the lemon :)