Reviews for Percussion
piccolaFTrunks chapter 16 . 8/25
Mirai Trunks cute cute
Jackalope89 chapter 16 . 7/14
Despite the long apparent gaps between chapters, this is a pretty interesting Future Trunks story. Something that is all too rare. Hell, Future Trunks stories in general are pretty rare for such a popular character.
Arashi Uzukaze chapter 16 . 6/28
Man only 16 chapters and the story is 11 years old. I really hope you start getting far more consistent with uploads otherwise this story might never be finished at this rate. O_O
Mal chapter 16 . 3/30
That ending... That trip is gonna be interesting!
ASWF chapter 16 . 3/11
"He went down so hard I thought he'd thrown the match to make me look good."
I love any and all brotherly bonding between these two tbh, sign me the hell up!


Haha...oh. I did not see this twist coming...
And now im scared xD

It's a good qn, whether to risk hope or to stay here and do nothing. I'm excited!

Thanks for the update!
maxridelover chapter 16 . 3/10
hmmm this is gonna be interesting!
Smithback chapter 16 . 3/10
all the timeline theorys are so cool
Zexs chapter 16 . 3/10
I keep expecting the supreme Kai of time to pop up and completely lose her shit. This is looking much worse than Canon.
Heptonite chapter 16 . 3/10
Interesting turn of events, shows that all you need is someone else's perspective on things sometimes. Althought, Trunks doing this prematurely could really mess everything up. Can't wait to see what happens next. Great chapter.
Saany chapter 16 . 3/10
This theory is complicated but understandable. They might be on to something... now will Trunks take Young Trunks with him ? Can’t wait for the next chapter :)
WolfShadow96 chapter 15 . 3/8
love the story but can we get some more Trunks Erasa goodness
maxridelover chapter 15 . 2/27
that was great! also this training will be brutal
Smithback chapter 15 . 2/27
it has been a wile...

good chap
ASWF chapter 15 . 2/27
i can't even remember the last time i was awed by SSJ3..that was a lovely moment, both magnificent in the sheer power and heartwarming in how Goku is simply kind to this poor boy.
Nothing else on this site feels as DBZ, imo. :) welcome back!

I've been following since ch.1 and it feels a little like an old friend has come back to me :)

Don't bother with the DBS arc, other than a coupla scattered nice familial moments and a few combat scenes, you won't be missing anything other than the cast's brilliant performances lol

I see the thunderstorms bit and i immediately know x'D the PAIN, LOL. Gohan has no idea and Trunks doesn't want to talk abt it, but we all know what is going on - awesome show-not-tell!

btw are u on ao3? i think the DBZ fandom is fairly active there too!
Guest chapter 14 . 12/26/2019
I doubt it, but I hope you update someday soon. Your story is great, hope to see more trunks.
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