Reviews for A Quiet Defiance
abrant554 chapter 21 . 2/25/2017
Well, this is the best chapter of the story, so far. The simplicity is refreshing. Thank you.
abrant554 chapter 3 . 2/24/2017
I think if I had to go one more chapter of her being tortured, I might have had to give up. So happy you have rescued her. :)
mon-petit-pois chapter 23 . 6/1/2013
I can not even begin to describe to you how much I love this story. Your writing... I have no words. It's perfect. Perfect. You have such a strong voice and it's so eloquent and natural. This entire story is heartbreaking yet heartwarming in that way I love so much. Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. I would write more but I'm on mobile and it's past 2 am...

This will definitely go down as one of my absolute favorites. I hope you have more stories (I love Endings, and perhaps, even though it shatters my itty bitty wittle heart) that I can enjoy, because I can truthfully say that I enjoy your writing more than any person on this site. Maybe even off the site. I have seen authors write short stories (oneshots/two shots) that are wonderful and eloquent and poetic, but I have never read a longer multichapter fic that is that way. You keep it constant and just perfectly... EVERYTHING.

I'm not even going to try to contain my jealousy here. Where did you learn to write like this? School, reading, born with it? I must know.

This is definitely going to be recommended to whomever asks me for a good fanfic to read. It's going on the list, right next to Endings. This was a wonderful adventure and I will most definitely be rereading it again in due time. Hats off to you. :)
Mechabeira chapter 22 . 10/17/2012
I found this story on a 17 hour flight between Washington state and southern Brazil-while reading the story kept me busy for a little while, the impact it made lasted far longer. It demonstrates keen knowledge of the characters, a strong sense of imagination, and a KILLER craft.

It's a truly wonderful, complex, beautiful story. Brava.
silverduo chapter 22 . 12/9/2011
AWH, this was so amazing. I usually skip stories overflowing with angst but this one's an exception. Plus, your writing is so incredibly poetic, which I loved. :))
tangled6 chapter 23 . 9/24/2011
This is phenomenal! And the last chapter was adorable and heart-stealing and it is very rare you will ever hear me say something of the sort. This deserves to be updated, pronto! Pretty please? :)
Hallolo chapter 22 . 3/27/2011

This fic is great, amazing, breathtaking! I really absolutely love how you wrote it all, not always stating who the characters were because it was obvious, it made the whole reading more intense! This is one of the few fics I feel like I could read over and over again!

Thank you so much for writing this fic!

tonyfan31970 chapter 22 . 10/2/2010
OK, well since you updated, I felt compelled to read ALL of your Tiva pieces tonight- and now it's 2:30 AM and I just finished this one, which is my favorite, of course. So please hurry up and post some more things! Otherwise I'll have to keep rereading these...
arocha21 chapter 21 . 6/21/2010
B..utiful, you got Gibb perfectly, he is caring and loving and a great father for them all. Perfect, please post a new chap soon :)

Nanuk chapter 4 . 5/9/2010
This is so intense, and so painful ... Wonderful writing. You have a truly amazing gift with words. Thanks, thanks, thanks!
smartkid37 chapter 9 . 12/16/2009
hard to enjoy when McGee's still portrayed as a uninteligible geek. give the guy the intelligence he's already got; and include him in the meat of the story and it would be so much more enjoyable.

overall a wonderful dive into the intracies of their emotions; but it should include all of the team members.
Escape my reality chapter 2 . 11/6/2009
depressing much
spinningleaves chapter 22 . 10/7/2009
GREAT WORK! Love it! Your language created such truly beautiful scenes. I loved the way you told us a story, and you did progress through events, but there was always something soft and wispy in each scene. Something raw and very sensual. Excellent!
Aurelie G chapter 22 . 10/1/2009
Idiosyncratic Enigma chapter 22 . 9/12/2009
I LOVED this story. Beautifully written and great characterization. I was sad to reach the final chapter and know there wasn't more left! Great work!
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