Reviews for Fate of Empires
shine lots chapter 12 . 1/25/2012
I can't easily follow this because you've adapted cannon too much. You've created Kings where there should be Lords, you've created a CASTLE at Rivendell, rather than the last homely house, and you have allowed Elendil - the man - to live over 700 years and adopt Elrond! Honestly! What posessed you?

This fast and loose acknowledgement of elven lineage is horrid. In cannon, Oropher is Thranduil's father, Elendil is Isildur and Anarion's father, and Erenion Gil-Galad is Elrond's adoptive father.
shine lots chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
I can't determine if this takes place before or after the quest. If it's after, then yes, Legolas would own Arod, the white horse from Rohan, but also, it can't be after, because then Legolas and Saryn would have been parted for more than a few nights.

You convey the rest of the story clearly through description though. This was the only doubt in my mind. The way you convey plot through dialogue is excellent, though you could make each character's dialogue longer, to make it even more realistic.
sayakkahigurashi chapter 15 . 3/30/2005
this is great so far, but i have to say somthing real quick, and i don't mean any offense by it, the Evish word for 'friend' is not 'Moloch' but 'Mellon'. i speak a little Elvish so, it just bothered me. sorry about the inconvinence.
Aforgottensoul chapter 1 . 2/12/2005
HEY! This is good, the first LOTR fic ive read
Arcadia05 chapter 25 . 2/6/2004
This story is excellent! You write beautifully. I can't wait to see how all this unfolds!
Gabrielle chapter 8 . 2/4/2004
I thought that this story was exelant! Good job and keep up the great work!
Arthien1188 chapter 1 . 11/22/2003
First, let me just say that you write quite well. But, (there's always a but, isn't there?)you either haven't read the books, or just spaced out alot when you did. Thranduil and Elround cannot possibly be brothers. They are of two different races of Elves. Thranduil is a Gray Elf, while Elrond is a High Elf. Elrond has a very well documented lineage, because he is in fact a half-elf, who chose to be immortal. His actual brother, Elros, chose to be mortal, and became the first king of Numenor (the origin of Aragorn's race).

You write very, very well, and can certainly tell a good story. Usually technical mistakes turn me off from a story immeadiately, but this was so good that I kept reading. Please don't be discouraged. If you think I just ripped apart your story, I should show you a review from my first fic! I got ripped to shreds (and rightfully so)and I stopped writing for quite a while. Don't do the same thing. This is just technical Tolkien stuff that you should keep in mind for your next venture.
Firiel11 chapter 26 . 10/31/2003
Wow...that was amazing. I never could have come up with all this on my own! ;) Keep it up, and update soon!
Zenze chapter 26 . 9/2/2003
I SIMPLY LOVE IT! It's absolutely wonderful, very fluffy. Though please, get back to it soon, especially poor Legolas, who u still haven't resolved.
Lil White Chick chapter 2 . 6/25/2003
Wow, This sory is going greatly. I love your choice of words, they're elegantly mastered.
Brin chapter 26 . 1/7/2003
yay! good to know it's comin back! _
Guest chapter 26 . 1/6/2003
When will you continue side plot of Legolas'and Saryn's child? And will Celebrian find out about Elrond's illegitimate child and what happens to the continue the story as soon as possible
Linauri chapter 26 . 1/6/2003
YAY! Well, not yay that you had to go through surgery and stuff. Glad you're better, though. But YAY! that you're continuing this story. It's the only LOTR fanfic out there that I really like, and I was getting sad to think it may have died. Not to mention, I'm just dying to find out what happens with Elrond and his daughter in the 'present'.

Oh, YAY YAY HAPPY DAY! *Ahem* Let's say we ignore that bout of hyperness and just call me happy, hmm? ::Giggles and runs off to do her happy dance::

Love and huggles,

Lin :D
Evelyn chapter 25 . 8/31/2002
Absolutely beautiful. Continue, please.
Artima chapter 25 . 8/25/2002
WAAAAAAAAA END OF THE CHAPTER! I NEED MORE! MORE I TELL YOU MORE ! *sobs* Exelent story! I love it, could you PLEASE e-mail me when you get the next chapter done?
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