Reviews for Just A Mistake Right?
shadowcat ninja chapter 10 . 9/14/2015
Make JD wear a wedding dress X3
cpt chapter 18 . 7/8/2011
i LOVED that chapter (i like embarassing scenes)
Imako Nomi chapter 31 . 6/18/2011
AHH so beautiful! I'm crying literally! Okay only 'cuz this stupid bug flew in my eye...but It still counts as crying right? Anyways luved this! And plus, I live in the Caribbean! So nice to hear my place being mentioned ;)
blubb chapter 2 . 5/23/2011
you sure are funny! go on like that, it sounds a whole lo interesteing (can you say that?)!
dudewheresmyapple chapter 28 . 11/29/2010

Adorable story by the way :c)

Why do writers have to invent these things they call cliffhangers? It's so annoying when you're reading a good story (like this :D) and it... cuts off.

PLEASE update soon!
Ellieandra chapter 28 . 10/8/2010
dun dun dun alright!

Can;t wait for you to update again!
literatetaurine chapter 28 . 9/18/2010
waiting patiently for the next installment
literatetaurine chapter 10 . 9/18/2010
I just loooooooooooooooooove oddly placed marriage proposals...
literatetaurine chapter 3 . 9/18/2010
O...M...F...G... 0_0

female sex organs in his rear!

thats freaking hilarious...
Aaronisme19 chapter 28 . 7/9/2010
I just wanted to say great job. I was never really a fan of jd/cox love scince dr. Cox is my fav on the show so I thought the idea of him being gay wouldint work out but you did a really good job of proving me wrong :) keep up the good work I cant wait for the next chapter :)
The Rain On Your Parade chapter 28 . 5/28/2010
awww, she seems like she will be a great aunt :) but wheres jack sorry i cant remember if u said :) but update soon
Neversaid-I-Madesense chapter 27 . 5/23/2010
I like this story, I like it alot, but just one thing-

You're making it sound like it NEVER rains in the US in this chapter, and that's just... the most ridiculous thing I have EVER heard, since, EVER. No offense. Have you ever even BEEN to the United States? Especially during winter in California? 'Cuz, despite what many people hear about states like California, it actually rains a significant bit there in winter. (And Sacred Heart is in California, in case some people don't know.)

And don't even get me started on Texas about rainfall and thunder-lightning storms-

Ahem. Yes, well, I wanted to get that off my chest.

I still really love this story, and think it's cute, and of course I'm thrilled to hear you're back. :D

Now, if I only I could make my own writer's block go away so that I could update, as well... xD
Paloma chapter 26 . 5/8/2010
I being reading it all through and i gotta say i love the story~(didnt review in the other ones cuz i usually comment on the you could say end when is reaaaaaaally long and im feeling lazy to comment XDDD yeah sorry about that XD)i mean you can really say i like it cuz i being reading it all day long~!XDDDDDDDDD!good luck with the next chapters~ill try to be here to review it too! :3
123abc123 chapter 25 . 4/4/2010
You're back! :D
DarlinnDotDotDot chapter 24 . 2/20/2010
I LOVE this story! :D

It's so fluffy and Aw! :3

I get like that with my stories I mean, reviews , right?

Can't wait for the next chapter (:
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