Reviews for My Edward
willowdance chapter 3 . 2/28/2015
I like this story. I especially like that the girl are finding strength in themselves and each other and that they are not simply lamenting over the boys. Truthfully, I'm not a fan of twilight at all, but I enjoy the parallels you drew between the relationships.

P.S. I'm sure you have already, but ignore that one rude, obnoxious, cowardly, review you received from Guest, who automatically resorted to threats and hateful language. Even though you put a warning at the beginning. When a person writes something like that and hides behind anonymity, they are not worth your time,
Chika Hoshi chapter 3 . 10/9/2009
Even if you don't like where this going I do. Actually I'm quite interested.

Chika H.~
Chika Hoshi chapter 2 . 9/23/2009
Ingore that rude person, this is great! It's your fanfiction not whoever that was.

Can't wait what happen next!

Chika H.~
Guest chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
You're a fucking idiot. YYH does NOT have anything to do with Twilight. I hope you get cancer and AIDS for even trying to combine the abortion that is Twilight.

You so deserve cancer, you stupid piece of shit. I hope that god crushes you, that someone beats you with a baseball bat for even THINKING that Twilight should be in this fandom, you sad sack of shit.

Is it because you're ugly that you read Twilight? Or because you can't get a boyfriend that you masturbate to Edward, the rapist? Or do you pretend to be Bella, the cardboard Marysue cut out?

Fucking cunt. How dare you.
Chika Hoshi chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
Aw, that's so sad. I hope you're feeling better now. I don't know what's it like to feel that but if I ever felt like that I might have to reread this. Is this the end because I hope it's not. I know it says that's still in-process but there's lot of people who doesn't finish their work so I hope you will continue on it because I will feel a bit disappointed but if it's your feelings that helps you write something then I can't be mad about it. -sniff- KEIKO AND MAYA, I HAVE FAITH IN YOU!
Bobby chapter 1 . 5/22/2009
This is so depressing but was nice to read.