Reviews for Those Three Words
timberwolf1337 chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
Wow this is pretty interesting i hope to see a 3rd chapter with a little bit longer and a bit more detail but otherwise i'm interested. Midna became evil which is kind of something I've always wanted to see i love Midna shes awesome i hope you update soon.
OrgasmicCheesecake chapter 2 . 7/7/2011
Noooooooo! You HAVE to come back to this! You cant have Link die on Midna like that!
Kyoun chapter 2 . 12/26/2010
This story can't be over, can it? Such a cliffhanger! D:! You have to finish this!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/5/2010

It was horrible!

Link can't die!
Gemini Gamer chapter 2 . 1/1/2010
NO! Link is dead? pft! if that were true this would be under tragedy.
ConGie chapter 2 . 12/30/2009
I must ask, do you have a plan for this? Because this, so far, seems like a true fanfic wanna be one-shot. If you do have a plan, then I take that back! This could very well be a great story, if thought through correctly. Please keep that in mind as you continue the journey.

You seemed to try a little too hard on the quality of the chapter, like you wanted to get too much out at once. In future chapters, try to refrain from doing this, as tempting as it may be. And the line "more pure and powerful than anything the three divine Goddesses' could have ever witnessed" I'm afraid is a no-go. That is simply impossible.

I truelly, and honestly, can't wait for the next chapter! 'Till next time!

The Sage of Water,

Kaigon chapter 2 . 12/26/2009
hehe...hehe...funny )
minortalent 1771 chapter 2 . 12/25/2009
that was really good! yah, i really like it. keep writing :)
Kiba Wolf chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
1. I am first and foremost a LinkxMidna fan, but I won't whine about the ending beyond this.

2. This story was very well thought out, despite several distracting errors with grammer, word choice, etc.

3. I totally agree that Link is a tragic hero, and I am glad to have a fic that empathizes that.

4. Very well done. All I can really say in conclusion is: amazing.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 5/23/2009
How nice. Fantastic.
2010Mantis chapter 1 . 5/23/2009
Must say this has been the best new story I've read in a while. Please continue I want to know what happened.
Spottedfang chapter 1 . 5/23/2009
Oh gosh... cliffhanger... XD Can't wait until you write more!
ShadowMan90 chapter 1 . 5/18/2009
No! Don't kill Link. :O
VENOMDARK call me venom chapter 1 . 5/18/2009
wow i don't no y i look at this kind of story all i do is cry im sad now 5/5 my man