Reviews for Breathe Slow
highlander348 chapter 25 . 4/25/2016
You suck balls
Doominater84 chapter 26 . 12/8/2015
Great story I hope you come back and update it! Hopefully Bruce tells her about being Batman in a good way instead of leaving it off forever and making her worry, I'm also hoping that he's completely over Rachel so that's not an issue with Bictoria, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
ZabuzasGirl chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
Update immediately, please!
Selin99 chapter 1 . 7/9/2014
please update some more! it's one of the best bruce wayne fanfics i've read 3
SomebodyWhoCares chapter 26 . 2/13/2014
More please...
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 2 . 2/2/2013
Funny chapter!
Guest chapter 26 . 1/12/2013
Please update! !
Guest chapter 26 . 12/30/2012
please update soon!
BluePixieOfTheGalaxy chapter 26 . 7/20/2012
Hahha! Oh that Bruce! He should really tell her about his secret! He'd probably run out of excuses to use! xD
LightNote19 chapter 26 . 7/9/2012
Princess of Asgard chapter 26 . 6/23/2012
OMG story is amazing! please write more
MulishaMaiden chapter 26 . 10/22/2011
Love this story!

You brought in a whole new twist with Bruce's character.

I like how you adapted the characters, but you're using you're own storyline with everyone. Makes it more interesting. Can't wait for the new chapter, and good luck with starting college!

Nott01 chapter 26 . 10/6/2011
Please tell me you'll be updating soon! Your chapters are too short. There for make it up to all us poor readers by updating more often...did you buy that one or am I gonna have to come up with something better?
Jenna chapter 26 . 7/12/2011
write more asap please
Gentle Blossom chapter 26 . 6/27/2011
I love your story it's great. Keep up the great work and pleeeeease update soon! XD
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