Reviews for Deep Cover
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3
This is such an incredible story! I wish you’d completed it!:((((
Guest chapter 15 . 3/27/2019
Finish the story please! It’s so good!
canadianclaire chapter 15 . 10/9/2018
Just wanted you to know that there are still people out here finding and loving your stories - so, you know, if you ever felt like picking it back up again... Pretty please?!
iridescenceoflove chapter 15 . 12/30/2017
Okay...where do I start ...hmmm...HOW DARE YOU! I found this through a friend of mine, and I was so enthralled and excited by just reading the first chapter that I was so easily entranced, I didn’t even notice the fact that this story ISN’T FINISHED! You promised, you promised missy, that you wouldn’t abandon this story or leave off the map anymore and all that shebang, but dammit, it’s been 7 fucking years. I normally don’t start stories that aren’t finished, because it makes me feel so conflicted and dying of anxiety and curiosity, (and a mixture of a lot of other emotions I would not like to express at this time) but I just had gotten so into this I didn’t have pay any heed or attention at first. Can you please at least tell me if this will forever be unfinished, or if there’s a light at the end of this amazing story tunnel, or if you’re even still alive?! Please, for the sake of your sorrow, anger, anxious fans, for the love of fucking Pete, tell me, where the hell are you?! I need this, I need my heart to be complete, and this story to be complete. I feel like throwing my phone against the wall, that’s honestly how I’m feeling right now. Now, anger aside... (somewhat, I’m still fuming over here)
You’re an amazing writer. I love your ideas, your concept, your whole story makes sense plotline, right down to the itty-gritty details. I love the way you interweaved Sweets into it, along with a bit of Squint action, and the hilarious form of ‘torture’ agent Anderson put Booth through. I about died of laughter, it hurt (but it didn’t hurt as much as finding out this story was complete). And of course, these are all the reasons I love the story, and leading to the fact of why I NEED YOU TO COME BACK FROM WHEREVER THE HELL YOU WERE AND/OR ARE! I’m going to go know before I unleash the real ugly side, but seriously... *insert puppy eyes here and a whimpering voice: please please please...pretty please...come back to your loving and devoted fans and give us all what we crave, want, and need..and complete this story. You don’t have to any more stories of fanfictions if that’s why you haven’t returned and lost interest, but please just finish this one for us. For me. I hope out of the luck of this universe that you somehow come back and read this, or get some kind of inspiration or *ahem* a brutal knock on the head to get some sense into you. (Sorry, just couldn’t help myself and my anger) just consider it, and at the least, please come back and tell us what’s happened to you, why you’ve deserted us and the story, and if it’s true, to tell us that this story we’ll be lain to rest. Just...please. That’s all I can say...
FanFicFan76 chapter 15 . 9/9/2017
Oops, didn't log in. Going to follow just in case you decide to come back after almost a decade and finish, lol.
Guest chapter 15 . 9/9/2017
I love this story so much. Your writing style is so very perfect for this story, the tension, the Secret. Holy mazoley. I am sorry you didn't finish it.
boothaddict77 chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
Pleeeeease don't abandon this
No permanent hiatus, remember?
It's so good
katiearbour95 chapter 15 . 5/23/2015
I cant believe its not finished. Please come back and finish it. It's really good!
Guest chapter 15 . 8/31/2014
Ahhh! I thought it was finished! :(
nn chapter 15 . 1/26/2014
continua la historia
gymnast1454 chapter 15 . 12/28/2013
appiedala chapter 15 . 9/26/2013
Please please please come back! I want to know how this story will continue!
eve3514 chapter 13 . 5/31/2013
you have me on the edge of my seat. the dreams are a fabulous means of keeping the tension and satisfying everyones desire for their joining. outstanding.
idkwhatthatmeans chapter 15 . 5/12/2013
Please come back, you kind of left us hanging after you said you weren't going to abandon this story. Just please come back, I love this storyline, and I want to know what happens next !
BonesOMG chapter 15 . 5/3/2013
Oh my what happens next? I hope u come back and update! It's 2013 and i'm still waiting. You really are a very good writer... No kidding. Maybe you wrote your own book and got busy? Idk. Anyway i really wish you get back to this story. It's kinda cruel to leave if like this. Please! ;)
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